Reunion (1)

That day, Mike stayed for a long time before leaving. Millie kept sitting on Mike and refused to get off. I watched their interaction and felt sad and comforted. The sad thing was that even though Millie looked highly similar to him, Mike didn't seem to recognize Millie as his daughter. The relief was that although they hadn't officially reunited, the power of blood relations was still unstoppable. Millie had a natural closeness to Mike.

Before we parted, Mike invited us to his villa for a meal the next day, like he often did six years ago. Instinctively, I wanted to say no, but at that moment Mike said,

"Come on, Melanda. I'll call Mandy. My parents talk about you a lot. They have no idea how happy they will be to know you're back."

With that, he looked at me expectantly. I didn't know if I was ready to face that nostalgic place. Just as I fell silent, Millie whined,

"Please, Mommy, I want to be a guest at Uncle Mike's house."

"Then… okay, we'll be there on time."

"That's great! My parents will be very happy! Then, see you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!"

Millie said goodbye to Uncle Mike reluctantly.

Early the next morning, I was awakened by Millie.

"Mommy, wake up. We have to get ready! Can I wear this dress? Will Uncle Mike like it?"

Just as I opened my eyes, I saw Millie standing in front of me with her favorite princess dress. She was looking at me expectantly.

"Of course! I think Uncle Mike will love it."

At Millie's urging, we quickly finished our breakfast and went out. Millie skipped ahead of us and urged me to hurry from time to time. She didn't know that my footsteps were very heavy. Every step was abnormally difficult. Mike's villa held too many memories of my childhood. Happy memories, and heartbreaking ones.

As we neared, I saw Mandy standing in the open doorway while looking around anxiously. She must have understood my inner struggle and came to pick us up.

"Mom, look, it's Auntie Mandy!"

"My little angel, you're finally here!" As soon as Mandy saw us, she hurried over. She held Millie's hand and gave me a meaningful look. "Are you okay?"

I shrugged. I didn't need to pretend in front of her. She knew all about it.

"Oh, is your fiancé here?"

"He's inside talking to Mike. Let's go in."

As soon as we entered the yard, we saw Mike's mother waiting at the door of the house. She hurried forward and hugged me. "Oh, my God, Melanda! I missed you, child! Where have you been? Why didn't you stay in touch with us? Why didn't you tell us you had a daughter?" She asked me a bunch of questions that I didn't get to answer.

"Mom, you have too many questions. She can't answer them in time! Let them in first!" Mike's voice comes from behind. I was so grateful for his timely appearance.

"Uncle Mike!" Millie, who was behind me, rushed into Mike's arms. Mike picked her up and everyone headed for the living room.

"Baby, you're so beautiful today. You look like a princess!" Mike said sincerely as he looked at Millie. Millie giggled.

After entering the living room, I saw a refined young man sitting on the couch chatting with Mr. Jones. When he saw us enter, he immediately stood and walked over to Mandy's side. Yes, this was Mandy's fiancé, Dave.

I turned to look at Mandy. She blushed and quickly introduced him.

"Dave, this is my best friend Melanda. Melanda, this is Dave."

"Hi, Dave. I'm Melanda."

"Hi, Melanda, I've heard so much about you. I finally got to see you in person! You're indeed very beautiful!"

"Hey, don't listen to her nonsense. She likes to exaggerate." No one knew what she had told her fiancé.

"Can anyone introduce me to this little princess?" Mr. Jones walked to Millie's side and smiled as he looked at Millie, who was interacting with Mike.

"How are you, Uncle Steve? This is my daughter, Millie. Millie, this is Grandpa Steve, Grandma Mary, and Uncle Dave," I quickly introduced.

Millie greeted each of them obediently. Everyone was happy to see the beautiful and well-behaved Millie. That was how children were. She won everyone's attention easily. It was fine with Uncle Steve and Dave. I noticed that Aunt Mary had a very strange expression on her face. She looked at Millie, then at Mike, and then looked carefully at Millie again.

"Steve, honey, don't you think Millie looks a lot like the Mike he was when he was little?" she said dubiously. When she said that, I blushed.

"Haha, is that so? No wonder I feel that Millie looks very familiar too. Millie, you will be my granddaughter in the future, okay?" Uncle Steve said.

Just as everyone was enjoying themselves, they suddenly heard a cold voice.

"Uncle, do you really want a granddaughter?"