Let's Break Up

Mike's perspective

The moment Millie called me "Dad", I was really shocked. I couldn't accurately describe how I felt at that time. Firstly, it was an accident. I really didn't expect her to call me that. I thought Melanda and Aunt Annie thought very too because I saw the shock on their faces as well. But after the initial shock, I felt happy. I couldn't put my finger on why I liked Millie very much, but I liked her a lot no matter what she said or did. Moreover, she was Melanda's child. As long as she didn't dislike me, I had more opportunities to be closer to Melanda. Furthermore, now, she liked me very much that she even treated me as her "Dad." I was very happy. But I also pitied Millie, who could have clung to Dad like other children. It only took me being a little nice to her for her to call me "Dad." She was too pitiful…