
On this day, Melanda told Mike early in the morning that she was going shopping and eating out with Mandy today.

Mike carefully reminded her not to go to a remote place. She had to be with Mandy at all times. She had to send him a message every hour and so on. Melanda agreed to everything before he left.

Sigh, he really hoped this matter could end quickly. Otherwise, Mike would become long-winded.

Melanda had indeed asked Mandy out today, but it wasn't for shopping. Even Mandy didn't know this.

Her fatigue had become more and more obvious in the past few days. Mike thought it was because she was nervous and couldn't sleep well at night. But Melanda had an answer in her heart. She just didn't want to tell Mike before she was sure.

Not long after Mike left, Mandy knocked on the door.