The Brother Is Born (1)

One evening eight months later, Melanda was tending to the flowers in the garden. It was early summer, and the buds of these roses were already hanging on the branches. They would bloom soon.

Melanda liked baby roses in particular. Although it was not as beautiful and dazzling as roses, it had a particularly long bloom period. It bloomed in clumps and patches.

Her brother's due date was in the next few days. Millie had guessed it. The baby in Melanda's stomach was indeed a boy. His sister had gotten her wish, and so had the entire family.

Melanda's stomach grew bigger and bigger. She didn't gain much weight anywhere else. She was still as thin as before. Only her stomach seemed especially big.

Mike didn't let her attend to the garden, but Melanda couldn't stay idle. She always walked around the garden and took care of the flowers and plants. Besides, the doctor told her to move more. This would help with the delivery.