"The food is ready!" I shouted, calling the two men to breakfast and few minutes later, they were both in the kitchen.

I stared at them apologetically, "I would have served it but I'm carrying Jaimie and—"

"No, no, no. Don't worry. I'll do it." Tanner said, Xazix nodded. They shifted Jaimie and I to make space for themselves as they carried food to the dinning table.

"Good morning... " I greeted Xazix. I'm the light of the day, he seemed bigger and more intimidating.

"Good morning, Jasamina. The food smells good." He groaned.

I smiled shyly, "I hope you two like it. I tried to prepare it really nice, I made sure the sausages didn't burn."

He and Tanner smiled ad they took seats at the dinning table. Even with all the moustache Tanner was spotting, I could easily see the resemblance between the two.

Xazix attacked his food first. Taking a bit out of a sausage and tasting the bacon.