After getting an eyeful at the girl, I convinced Marks that he should ignore the girl the way he always does. I gave him home that maybe the girl won't be coming after today.

The tension rolled out of my shoulders when he agreed. We went back to our seats and resumed chatting and catching up.

We stayed indoors all through the day, talking and drinking. My mind occasionally wonders off to the girl at the gate but I tried not to think about it. Mark will just remember her again and start raising hell.

It was later that night that I walked to the window and looked out. She was gone.

The next day, Mark and I spend the morning eating and playing videogames. We talked more about all those years we hunted together.

Mark was on his way to the winebar again when his eyes darted out of the window. He released several strings of unprintable curses.

I got up and walked to the window. There the girl laid again.