My name is Jasamina Rutherford and I was once married to the most abusive man ever. Ludale McCully is what you can call a psychopath or a sick bastard.

One day, he beat me within an inch of my life and I knew I had to run away. Because it isn't just me anymore. I have my three-month-old baby to think of.

I ran into the streets without any money or any means. Going home wasn't an option because I know my parents would take me right back to him.

My life on the streets was horrible and horrific but I had to survive. That was where I met my Savior.


He helped me. Gave me a life. Gave me a home. He stayed with me.

He was a man fighting his own demons and yet, he helped me with my own demons. He and his brother, Xazix.

They helped me get a divorce from my husband.

They gave me my best-friend/sister, Anya.

I never wanted to let go of Tann but I'm not selfish. He has to go and fight his demons and he had to do it alone.