Leslie. She's been my new mistress ever since Jasmina left me to be with that piece of garbage, Tanner or whatever his damn name may be. But the truth is that Leslie is not as good as Jasmina, in fact no woman is as good as Jasmina.

It still seems odd and strange to me that Jasmina chose that man over a rich and affluential congressman like me. I'm still angry with her for leaving me after all the money I paid to have her all to myself but yet she chose to fall in love with that pauper and abscond with him taking my son as well.

After crying on the floor for a while, my eyes escort her every action as Leslie gets up and puts on her clothes.

"I'm leaving. You can be so rude at times." She says then picks up her bag and turns to leave. What a Cunt, she's leaving.

She slams the door shut and I scoff. I off my underwear and began to stroke and arouse myself to ecstasy. On reaching climax, I thought of Jasmina again as I released.