I made a small, muffled sound as he drove himself into me. For a few seconds, my body felt unbearably full, I shifted uncomfortably beneath him, clutching his shoulders tightly. I whimpered.

"Shh, it's alright, honey. I'm in, now..." He kissed my forehead reverently.

He lay still, trembling above me, while he waited for me to adjust to him.

"It's been so long," I whispered.

"Too long." He echoed.

Moments passed in tensed silence as I tried to get used to the feel of him.

"You can move n-now..." I whispered against him at last.

As he felt the rush of my quickly returning excitement, he began to stroke slowly and rhythmically. I found the tempo and echoed it, clinging tightly to the hard, muscled frame above me.

My mind whirled with the force of the building crescendo. When the finale came I wrapped myself around Tann and called his name in a soft litany of the love I could no longer keep inside of me.