
I'd shook my head adamantly. "I'll be very happy if you did, father. You deserve to be happy." I'd gone and hugged him, "I'm sure mother will be happy too."

"You think she'll be?"

"I know she'll be. My mother will love to see you happy, father."

He'd hugged me back, happiness radianting his face. "You don't mind that you never saw your grandfather before he died?"

I shook my head and whispered softly. "That man ruined my mother's life, he almost ruined my life too. I don't mind....I guess, I'm not as good-hearted as Jasamina, but I'm glad I never met him."

He kissed my hair, "You're the most good-hearted person I know, Anya. It's alright to take time to offer forgiveness too....it makes us human."


Months later

I was surprised when I found out that Dale willed half of his properties and money to Jaimie and the rest goes charity.