Problem in the school

"Jessica P.O.V"

I entered the enormous mansion and noticed the tense atmosphere. I spotted a Tall man with defined features in navy suit sitting the sofa with an annoyed expression. That's Dylan Reynolds who is clearly irritated that he was called home in midst of his work and especially because its the high time in the media industry due to the release of the new cover of supermodel Lia D'Souza. Next to him sat a man in his 50's with a worried expression on his face, I instantly realized that this was serious matter because she has never seen her dad so worried before she called out to him "Dad I am home. What's the Matter you wanted to talk about ?" She took a seat next her brother and father searching for her mother. Then a very beautiful and elegant woman entered the room and said "Jessica Honey we need to talk to you about the school you own" she said.

Her dad continued off from where her mother stopped and said " Recently the school has been having some problems and these issues are not very simple the police has received complains so they contacted me before taking any action."

"Dad....Police!!! what's the complaint?" Dylan asked shocked that there was an issue in their property and that this matter involved police. He personally hated police as he thought that they are not trustworthy an would do anything for money and power.

Her dad sighed and said " There has been kidnapping of students happening in the school. The first case was 1 month ago a girl named Brianna and her boyfriend Leo went missing and people assumed that they had eloped due to pressure of marriage from her family but her family strongly believed that their would never do such a thing. Yesterday they received a mail stating that if they want their child then they have to pay 1 million. Then the scared parents contacted the police their family was well of but not rich enough to pay the demanded money within 2 days. My old friend Mr. Daniel is a higher up in the police department so he informed me about this and asked us to investigate first before the police can take action."

Dylan was shocked hearing this but still wondered how does this involve his parents calling him and his sister urgently.

I was beyond furious knowing that this was happening in my property and she had no idea about it. She also worried for the missing students and their parents she wanted to get the bottom of this and catch the culprit.

"Dad how come you never told us about this incident you are saying that they went missing a month ago and we being informed only now?" I asked

"I am sorry I didn't inform you Jess but I also thought that they had eloped until I got to know about yesterday's mail to the student's parents." He replied

"Dad I still don't understand what you want me and Jess to do ?" Dylan asked

I was thinking the same that what can we do and what our parents actually wanted us to do the mom interrupted my train of thoughts and said " We want you and your sister to go the school as new transfer students and investigate the students. The police suspect that the students are involved in this case."

Dylan was as much shocked as I was not that we didn't want to investigate or find the missing students to be honest we were ok with that because we always loved solving mysteries but the shocking thing was that their parents wanted them to go to school as transfer students. Dylan and Jessica had never attended any school they have always had home schooling and private tutors it was the same for Felix until he had fought with our parents asking for freedom and went to New York for studies.

"Mom all our life you never let us go to school and make friends even if we pleaded you but now you are suggesting that we go and solve a kidnapping case??" I asked being confused about their decision.

" I know honey but the school needs you know and we want you to go and solve this case don't worry no one will know who you are Jessica since we have hidden you from the world as our daughter we are not going to reveal you identity you will going there as a transfer student from a countryside Jessica Raymond." he gave a file to me and continued " This file has all the details you need to remember about Jessica Raymond and the way you should behave in the school. so that no one suspects you."

I opened the file a read and one point captured my attention it was written that Jessica Raymond is supposedly a nerd. I got irritated by this and asked "You want me to pretend to be a nerd and wear that unfashionable dress and a stupid spectacles ??"

Her mom said "sorry honey but we want to avoid suspicions that's why we took this decision. You will look good in anything honey" she said to make me feel better but that didn't even enter my mind I was thinking that how could I Jessica Reynolds CEO of Reynolds Fashions wear unfashionable clothes and go to school if any of my employees know about this then it would be such a big humiliation for me.

"Dad what about me ?" Dylan asked curiously after hearing about his sisters identity

"You have the same name Dylan Reynolds son of Albert Reynolds. An arrogant boy from a very rich family, school hunk transferred from a very prestigious school from a foreign country" Dad said

"What!! Arrogant me dad seriously I am not doing this but I don't understand one thing why is my name the same but Jess's different and also what with this big difference of character? If she is nerd and I am School hunk then its impossible for someone to believe we are siblings" Dylan asked not understanding the purpose why his dad chose totally different characters

"Exactly that's why this difference is there in your name and personality" Dad exclaimed

"I didn't get it dad." I and Dylan spoke at the same time

Mom said " You guys don't know each other in school and you are not siblings __"

fake cry "I knew it mom you guys are partial with Jess always so I doubted if I was picked up from trash can it turned out true you yourself said that we are not siblings" Dylan said still continuing his act of crying

"Shut up and listen to me first!! what I meant to say was that in school you are going act as strangers and there is a difference personality so that you guys can investigate different students like Jessica will get friendly with poor students and see if they are related to the kidnapping while Dylan will talk with the higher class and noble students to find out if there were involved in the case." Mom explained

"So are you guys ok with it?"

I understood what mom is trying to convey but I am still not ok with me being a nerd but more that that life's are in danger and I need to do this.

"Its not like you are going to leave us if we said no right Dad so we don't have a choice." Dylan said dramatically

"Dad don't worry we will find the culprits" I assured him

Now you jut wait kidnapper when I take things in my hand I don't step back easily so be ready to face your downfall.