Bumping in Canteen

"Austin P.O.V"

During the break I walked towards the canteen and saw James and Dylan on their way towards so I stopped and went to the canteen together with them.

"I am famished.. What do you guys have in canteen??" Dylan asked curiously

"Me too.... Uhmmm we have sandwich and French fries" James replied.

"What!!! you don't have burger or pizza???" Dylan asked very shocked.

"Well we don't what do you expect....anyway I am the who should be asking that.... Why don't you ask your sister put some good food in the canteen" He suggest hoping that Dylan would agree.

I was in my own thoughts but I came back when I heard they were talking something about Jess. I looked at Dylan hoping he would say something.

"I don't think I need to say to her anyway she must knowing about it now and she herself will change it I hope" he muttered and when James asked what he said Dylan replied "nothing".

But I clearly heard what he said. he said she must be knowing it now. what does that mean? she is a busy woman and didn't have time to even care her about her own work then how would she able to know about something so petty as canteen food. Is it that she has come here before?? But doesn't that mean she should have already changed the menu. Or is it possible that she is here today?? He looked around the canteen to see if she was there but he was disappointed. He didn't know how she looked or what she wore or how tall she was. He knew nothing about her how can he find and especially today because there were many transfer and exchange students on the campus. If she was here she probably would have come to see if her brother was doing good right?. Then she must have known that I was in the same class as him but why didn't she try to contact me. I was angry that she didn't even try to find me once.

When all this thoughts were running in my head. I bumped into someone. I saw a girl with hazel brown hair bend down to pick her food. I didn't recognize who she was but then when he she stood up I saw her face as remembered that she was the girl sitting next to me. I was already angry but after seeing that she bumped into me and that my dress is now stained I got more angry.

"Can't you even see where you are going? What is that specs for just showcase??"I asked in a irritated tone

Hearing my loud voice everyone in canteen turned to look what happened.

"She bumped into him.... How can she?" Girl 1

"Does she not know who he is ?" Girl 2

"He hates if someone even touches his dress but now she stained it.. I think today is her last day here" Mia's friend 1

"She probably bumped into him purposefully because she might never seen a handsome man before in her country side" Mia's friend 2

"I can see that the bumpkin did that on purpose how can she even think of seducing my Austin....Hmph has she ever seen herself in the mirror." Mia said her face red with anger.

"I am asking you ... I thought you only can't see, you can't hear also??" I said. I was very angry as she ignored me no one ever dared to ignore so how can country bumpkin like her do it.

I heard a feeble voice saying "I .....I am so...so.....rry" Even though I was still angry but when I heard her voice I felt as if my anger dissipated. She looked at me with her round doe eyes which were brimmed with tears ready to flow any second.

Looking at her like this made it only more tempting for me to bully her. She bent down to pick up the plate and broken glass. Then only I noticed that her hand was bleeding after being injured by the broken glass. I immediately tensed for some reason and didn't want to see her hurt but before I could help her. Dylan took her hand and blowed on it and took a bandage from his pocket and put it on for her.

I don't know why but I felt hurt when I saw her in pain but when Dylan helped her I felt my anger rising.

"Stop your act. you country bumpkin you are not going to receive any sympathy from so get lost before I loose control over my anger and you Dylan come with me." I pulled Dylan harshly away from her and due to my force she fell backwards and scraped her knee. I took Dylan and James from there and left without turning back even once.

"Author P.O.V"

After he left, in the canteen.

"Are you okay?? Is it hurting do you want to go to the infirmary?" a girl dressed in a jeans and a top and had a domineering aura asked running over to Jessica.

Before Jessica could answer someone else said "What can happen to her isn't she just doing this for attention.Huhhhh she spoiled me mood to eat let's go girls." It was none other than Mia who said that.

"Ignore her Jess.. Let's get you to the infirmary." The girl said and took Jessica to the infirmary.