All Was Forgiven

"I'm glad it fits you." 

When she heard a familiar voice, a shiver ran down her spine. She used to find his voice annoying, but in an adorable way, but after what had happened, his voice brought her nothing but fear. She glanced over her shoulder and released a sigh of relief when she saw Tiffany walking toward her. 

Returning her gaze, she stared long and hard at Reagan who was smiling ear-to-ear as he stood in the corner of the hallway leading to the comfort room - unfazed by the dagger look she was throwing at him. From the way he leaned against the wall, his legs crossed from ankle to ankle, it was clear that he was waiting for her. The idea scared her as the image of Reagan dragging her and hitting her face flashed into her mind like an image from a broken TV. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked in a small squeaky voice.