Susan and  Andrei left the street of Tiffany's place and drove off back to their university right after Tiffany's car were out of their sight. 

They went straight to Andrei's apartment where Susan already had a lot of her stuff for she had been staying at his place most of the time. The talk of moving in together had already been discussed in passing. It would just be a matter of them before they fully live together. 

The thought of Tiffany was already far from their mind even before they reached Andrei's apartment. They had been talking about their studies and future plans the odd action of Tiffany drugging Andrei to change his emotional temperament was long forgotten. And the curiosity they had that made them meet Tiffany to have a read of what the hell she was thinking had been pushed back to the back of their mind as something that no longer hold any kind of importance.