Never Again

Lilly Rose twisted and turned on her bed for a long time and when she woke up her body felt sore as if she had been in a wrestling match. 

Yawning rather loudly, releasing an unladylike sound, she turned her head to her side table and looked at the time. It was fifteen minutes after six. 

She closed her eyes, thinking that her first class for today is at ten in the morning. She turned her back on the alarm clock, pulled her blanket closer to her chin, and closed her eyes. She could afford to sleep for an hour or so. 

She was on the brink of sleep when she remembered her promise to Pete about eating breakfast with him and Nana Ruby. 

Letting another loud yawn, she turned to her side and grabbed the alarm clock, and set an alarm for twenty minutes.

"Let me just sleep for another twenty minutes," she mumbled to herself as she buried her face in the soft cool blanket.