A glamorous gold design was seen everywhere. The imperial palace was definitely living to its name, with wonderful statue of the sun and moon goddesses at the entrance and angel paintings at the ceiling. Going inside, footsteps were heard heading towards the throne hall, a knight then announced,
"His highness, the second prince, have arrived."
Opening the wide golden door, the emperor was sitting on his throne. Only two officials were present and the other were knights. Golden hair, blue eyes, and gentle smile greeted the second prince. The second prince kneeled before speaking,
"I greet his majesty, the sun emperor of the empire."
With a loud laugh, the hall echoed and the crown prince was like a red tomato.
"HAHAHAHAHA!!! Enough with that formalities, it's uncomfortable seeing you like that."
"FATHER! You are still the emperor, please stop teasing me already. Ahem. Why have you summoned me father?"
"Down to the business I see. Well, actually I'm going to send you to north. A report arrived to me, Illegal business are done secretly and monsters are attacking the citizens. It was unusual since it's been thousand of years since monsters have gone rampage."
Brows furrowed the second prince's face as he clenched his hands.
"May I know what kind of illegal business they are doing?"
The emperor's face became serious and with a deep voice he said,
Without second thought the second prince bowed and left the hall. The emperor sighs and spoke to his attendant,
"This boy really... I can't even figure him out... I think we need to summon the first prince too. He's the only one who understands his brother."
"You are right your majesty. We might also have a surprise coming when his highness returns."
Alexis, the retired grand duke and closes companion of the king spoke in a very soothing and calm voice.
" *sigh* I hope you are right Alex. Anyways, I need to go to my sweetheart. I'm sure he's waiting for me. I can't wait to------ (blabber)"
The heavy atmosphere was now filled with random blabber of the emperor about his lover. Only speechlessness and helplessness can be seen by the two attendant's faces. The only thing they can do is stop and go back to their works.
Truly, his Majesty is such a fool in regards to his lover.... Everyone agrees but only inside their minds...
The capital is quite far, they need 5 days to travel back. Unlike their expedition that only requires 3 days with no rest and stops, the second prince was so concerned of his newfound brother. So they stopped at a small inn in the middle of the town. This town is considered one of the most peaceful town in the empire, but despite that, its resources are quite rich. Many lawyers and doctors are living here in hopes to do their research at peace. As for why the second prince chose this place..... Well.... It's quite obvious isn't it?
Knowing that it was the prince of the empire, the inn owner did not hesitate to provide its very outmost service. The owner gave the biggest room to the prince but unlike other people that is doing this for money, the owner is doing this for the concern of the prince's well-being.
This Empire is known for good things, it is true that the people follow their ruler.