Chapter 14 - Satisfying Their Hunger

James watched Cadence move gracefully towards him, unable to focus on anything but her. He had the vague sense that he'd just been laughing, but he didn't know why and it didn't matter. What did matter in that moment was the sight of her bare feet, the toes daintily polished in a feminine pink hue. He couldn't remember every seeing Cadence with polished fingernails, so this small detail surprised him. James noticed the generous curve of her hips and thighs in her figure hugging jeans. As she came closer he was given a more proper view of her bright face and bare shoulders. There was a sparse smattering of freckles across those shoulders, likely earned during hot summers as a kid. He had just begun to appreciate her neckline when he was interrupted by a peel of laughter. James had no idea what Cadence and Daniel were talking about, having been lost in his own thoughts. Still, this didn't diminish his appreciation of that sound. Her laugh brought to his mind the image of a large balloon filled with confetti being popped with a pin. It was sudden and loud but somehow delightful and filled with color. James hoped to hear her laugh like that often. "Alright guys, are you ready for lunch?" Cadence asked, seeming eager to head back inside. In answer, James and Daniel stood to follow her in.

Mrs. Garcia had clearly been busy, James observed as they entered the kitchen. The round breakfast table by the window had been set beautifully for four with blue gingham cloth napkins and tall glasses already filled with horchata. She had served everyone generous portions of picadillo and given each person their own bowl of fresh salsa. Everything else was laid out family style on the table including a towering stack of steaming tortillas, tortilla chips, and a bowl of sliced avocado. Daniel reached for the tortillas just to have Mrs. Garcia smack his hand away. "Hey, what gives Mrs. G?" said Daniel, rubbing his hand. "This is a special occasion, so I will say a blessing" she replied, extending her palms out indicating that she wanted them all to join hands. They all obliged without question. "Bless us, O Lord, and these, thy gifts, which we are about to receive through thy bounty, through Christ, our Lord. We also ask that you bless the newest member of our home so that she may find happiness and peace. In your name we pray. Amen" said Mrs. Garcia, squeezing James's hand once before letting go. James noticed her bow her head in private silent prayer before making the sign of the cross and raising her eyes to his own. She winked at him, which he was not expecting. He had now become suspicious of the contents of her prayer. However, he was too hungry to dwell on it at that moment. Everyone dug into their meal, talking and laughing comfortably with those around them. James felt overwhelmingly happy and relaxed for the first time in a very long while.


Cadence had been observing James off and on during the meal. He had transformed into someone funny and animated. She had known him to be humorous on occasion at the office, but that was mostly sarcastic remarks. She'd never seem him be silly or self-deprecating before. Seeing him in this new way, Cadence found him completely endearing. She observed James lean back in his chair, and take a deep breath before taking a long drink of his horchata. He was clearly full. Everyone seemed full actually, except for Daniel who was still munching on chips. Cadence offered to help clean up but Mrs Garcia shooed her away. Soon, the empty plates and glasses were replaced by hot coffee and a platter of pan dulce. Cadence recognized the selection of sweet breads and pastries as coming from her favorite panaderia (a Mexican style bakery) near downtown. Mrs. Garcia had clearly gotten up quite early to buy it that morning. Somehow, they each found room to indulge a bit more. Daniel went straight for a large crispy bunuelo, scattering cinnamon and sugar coated crumbs everywhere with each bite. James chose a smooth pumpkin filled empanada and took small bites in between sips of coffee. Cadence carefully chose a small square of pay de queso, which is essentially Mexican style cheesecake often made with crushed Maria cookies for the crust. She took her time adding cream and sugar to her coffee before taking a large decadent bite of her dessert, closing her eyes in appreciation.

When Cadence opened her eyes, everyone seemed to be staring at her including Mrs. Garcia who just sat back down. "What?" she asked, feeling a bit self-conscious. "Is that a pretty good piece of cheesecake you got there?" Daniel asked, grinning and chuckling stupidly. Cadence glared at him, sure she was the butt of some joke. James cleared his throat, seemingly trying not to laugh as he said "You were just being very, um…verbal with your appreciation of the dessert. I think it surprised us a little, that's all." Cadence's face went pink with embarrassment as she realized she must have been making awkward yummy noises out loud. "Mmm. She's right mijo, this is the best pay de queso I've had in a long time. Mmmm-mmm" said Mrs. Garcia, making her own inappropriately appreciative noises. Soon, thanks to Mrs. Garcia, everyone was laughing together rather than only at Cadence. It was getting late in the afternoon, so Daniel said his goodbyes and left. Mrs. Garcia had some work to do in the greenhouse, so she left the table as well. Cadence was alone with her fiancé for the first time that day. They sipped their coffee in what seemed like comfortable silence for a bit. She looked up with a friendly smile, about to ask him what his plans were this evening when suddenly, he leaned forward…and kissed her.