Chapter 18 - Sweet Sunset

James was in unfamiliar territory. Technically, this was his first date with Cadence. Even though it had been a while since he last went on an actual date, he could still remember the general protocol. They had already gone out for an activity, drinks, and dinner. Now was usually the time to drive the lady home and kiss her at the door if things were going well (at the very least). However, it wasn't that simple for them. Even without considering the fact that he was her boss, their relationship was complicated. They were living together in the same house, but in separate rooms. They were engaged and planned to be married in less than a month. Their "relationship" was supposed to be fictional, but they'd already enjoyed some very intimate activities just this afternoon. After thinking about it for a few minutes on the drive home, James decided it didn't matter. He was holding hands with Cadence as he weaved through traffic. The sun was finally starting to set and he knew they would just make it home to catch the end of it. At the risk of sounding cheesy, he asked her "When we get home, would you like to sit on the porch with me and watch the sun set?" Glancing at her, James could see her head dip as she tried to hide a pleased smile. "Yes, that sounds really nice" she answered in a soft sexy voice. Soon, they were pulling into his driveway.

When they entered the house, James busied himself in the kitchen while Cadence went upstairs saying she needed to change her shoes. He prepared a tray with glasses of horchata, vanilla rum, and a box of truffles Daniel had given him from his last trip to Belgium. He set everything out on the back porch. Cadence still hadn't come out, so he decided to freshen up in the downstairs bathroom where he always kept extra toiletries. He had just enough time to brush his teeth and spritz on a bit of cologne before hearing her footsteps on the stairs. Quickly exiting the bathroom, he was greeted by the sight of Cadence reaching the last step down and looking unbearably cute. She had done much more than change her shoes. She'd washed the little bit of makeup off her face and changed into blue striped pajama pants with a close fitting white T-shirt that displayed a cartoon panda drinking coffee. James suddenly wondered how he'd been so blind to her these past two years. How could he work with this woman every day and not realize how effortlessly stunning she was? James started walking towards her, ready to kiss her again and forget all about the sunset. Then, Mrs. Garcia walked in. "Ah, I thought I heard something. How was dinner? Did you eat enough? There's plenty of picadillo if you're still hungry" Mrs. Garcia said, stopping James just a few feet from his goal. "Oh, I think we're both pretty full. Dinner was really amazing and we ordered so much. Thank you, though. I'll probably have some for breakfast" Cadence said, chatting easily with the house keeper. "I'll put a little bit aside for you in the back of the fridge then. Otherwise, my grandsons will eat it all. They're coming over in the morning to do the yard and they're always so hungry when they're done. I'll just be reading in my room if you need anything. Goodnight!" Mrs. Garcia said walking to her suite. She'd clearly understood that their date was not quite over and wanted to give them some privacy. James followed Cadence out to the back porch, fully allowing himself to appreciate the way her round ass filled out her pajama bottoms. Already, he was beginning to feel himself harden and he wondered if they'd actually make it through the rest of the sunset before he completely lost control.


Cadence sipped her rum spiked horchata and bit into one of the decadent chocolates James offered her. As they gazed at the sunset, discussing the best parts of the night's date, she felt surreal. She was living in a large beautiful house and had the attentions of the sexiest man she had ever met. It felt like she was living someone else's life. Was it really only yesterday morning that she'd been staying in a tiny apartment and too busy to even think about going on a date? Now, she was dating her boss! It was beyond strange, but thrilling so far. She ate the last of the truffle in her hand and noticed some melted chocolate on her fingers. She licked her index finger and heard a sharp exhale. James had been watching her. Feeling brazen, she kept eye contact with him and licked the other finger. He was on her immediately, kissing her deeply. He braced one hand on the arm of her chair as he stayed bent over her, allowing his other hand to caress her neck, shoulder, and collar bone. Her hands found his body as well, moving under the fabric of his shirt to discover smooth skin over taught muscles. James set one of his knees between her legs and kissed her deeper. In response, Cadence slipped down in her seat to press herself against him, arching her back so as not to break their kiss. He looped his roaming hand behind her back and held her firmly. With her position better supported, she started grinding against his knee in a steady rhythm. Cadence found the waist band of his boxer briefs peeking out from his athletic shorts. She slipped the tip of a single finger under the band and teasingly glided it from one hip to the other. James froze at her touch and clutched her tighter. For a moment, she worried she'd gone too far. James pulled back from their kiss, both of them panting, and leaned his forehead against her own. "Meet me in my room in fifteen minutes…if you're ready" he said before kissing her firmly one last time. He went back into the house, while Cadence tried to catch her breath.

Cadence was back in her room, pacing back and forth as she brushed her hair just to keep her hands busy. Was she ready? Ready for what? She assumed he meant ready for sex. Yes, that was clearly the implication. Why else would he want her in his room? At least ten minutes had passed and it seemed her window of opportunity for the evening was closing. She didn't have any qualms about going all the way on the first date. Sometimes it was nice to just give in to the moment, but she didn't make a habit of it either. Cadence was also fairly certain James wasn't the type of guy to judge her for giving in to her desires this soon. Yes, she definitely desired him. So, what was stopping her? "Damn it, I really like him" she said, looking wistfully at the door as the seconds ticked by. She was nervous. That's what it came down to. She hadn't been in a serious relationship in over two years and she was suddenly wrapped up in something complicated with someone she always considered out of reach. She took a deep breath. She wasn't as rich or successful as James was, but did it really matter? If it didn't bother James, she wasn't going to worry about it either. She took a deep breath, and set the hair brush down. Then, Cadence opened her door and padded softly with bare feet down the hall.