Chapter 8- Pretty Eyes


I enjoyed the sensation of my hands gliding over her every curve. I loved the way her lips filled in between mine. I liked the way her beautiful black hair fell back on her back like a waterfall. Each time I touched her, her eyes gave me a satisfied look. She has become like a drug to me that I have to stay away from.

Gosh, what has she done to me?

The way she swings her hips, the way she bites her lips, and the way she bounces on me pretty much wrecked me. I couldn't get off from the memories of that night. I wonder how is she keeping it all calm. Was I not enough? But as far as I remember she came almost the best come of her life. She screamed my name every time I made her. Either with my finger, tongue or my cock. She was so full of me that night and thinking just about that, makes my cock steel hard.

Her beautiful face, her little nosy attitude, her pretty eyes and mostly her smiles is calling me with all my shit. I think I am obsessed with her, but mostly with her pretty eyes. I have never met such a woman in my life. She was bold as thunder, having those bossy attitudes that a man could die for. But there was a delicate side of her, that she showed that night that would let a man worship her. I know I would do that.

How the fuck can I stay away from her? She had left me with unchained desires that need to be taken care of. And I am sure that apart from her, no one could do that.

I need a substitute or distraction from her anyhow.

It is not that she is the only girl that came into my life. I have had girlfriends before, and we got intimated too, but there is something about her that wrecked me. Something tells me to claim her for myself, but then again, I know she wouldn't like that. So, I can't really do anything.

She was the woman I desired almost all my life.

I sat on my bed with a glass of whiskey in my hand. I looked at the glass for a few seconds before my head snapped back to my addiction to Mira. There is no way this whiskey can take her place in my life.

I gulped down the drink in one go as I lay on my back looking at the ceiling. The only thing I wore was my pyjamas without a shirt. My toned abs are on display. The windows were opened as a cool breeze passed through my room. But still thinking about her was making me feel the heat in the room.

She is that fire that needs to be taken care of. And I am pretty sure the fire is only for me.

The first day I met her, I was lost in her pretty eyes and then drawn to her cute little messy attitude. I liked her that way. So venerable yet so bold. One touch that ignited the fire in me can only be extinguished by her.

But it's sad that she doesn't want us.

I wonder why?

I am pretty sure that she came multiple times that night for me. What's more, what is keeping her away from me?

I was angry. Not on her but on myself for somehow getting rejected by her. It was an insult. But somehow, she always ends up being on my mind and I can no longer stay angry with her.


My phone vibrated and I took it to see who it was.

"It was a good night daddy. But could have more fun, if you'd let me stay over."

Bella, who had just left my house minutes earlier, texted me. Bella was the most beautiful and obedient sub in the club. Men would die to get a glimpse of her. Yet for some reason, she couldn't calm down the fire in me tonight. I felt a little uncomfortable at her touch. Thus, I asked her to leave after some time, politely. She was upset a little, I could feel it, but it doesn't matter. I couldn't touch her when Mira was all in my head.

I kept her in seen and tossed the phone on another side of the bed as I lay back again.

Being the friend of the owner of one stripper and sex club in the town did give me access to choose the top-quality subs for myself. They say I'd enjoy the sex. It's wild, intense and so much more. But to be honest, I hated the idea of hookups and night stands at first. It was after my break up, my friend suggested, that I should explore the world out there. I agreed. But never have I thought I'd end up with Mira on the very first day. Thank God that I did

Throughout my entire life, I had one rule, I'd only sleep with the woman I love. And now she's all I want. Not for only one night. But for the rest of the nights in my life. I guess love would be too early for our relationship, I was obsessed with her.

I've never seen a girl like her. Valeria aka Mira. Her smooth curves down her waist just fit perfectly in my hands. As if they were made for me. The way my hands moulded her breasts to fit into my palms. Goddammit, it just fits perfectly. And man, I love her taste. Her taste is of strawberries and lust.

Disliking the culture of hookups has a reason. It reminds me of how my mother has suffered all these years. I wish I could change that.

How could a man spend everything on one girl, a stranger and leave the next morning? Why would I want to do that? I want to spend every single drop of energy and love on the girl; I'd wake up next to every morning. I would never let her go.

But after my last break up of a 10-year relationship, I thought I'd never find someone again to get obsessed with. I guess I was just wrong. The night at the Gold Club changed my life, and I can't get enough of it.

As soon as I closed my eyes, my mind carried me back to the moment when I was before her entrance. Her womanhood opened up to me. Giving me access to a very bit of it. My lips found their appropriate place in her womanhood as a sweet moan filled my ears.

I worked hard with my tongue in between her every fold. She gripped my hair pushing me further in. She liked it. My tongue entered through her entrance and I could hear her gasps.

"Alex..." she muttered.

And she says she faked the last night. I mentally smirked at her words. I was satisfied that her moans filled my ears. My doll was such a player.

Trying desperately to get attention, my erection peeked through my pants. I kept closing my eyes as I began to think about her. Her wonderful body once topped me.

I grabbed my length and slowly started giving it strokes, imagining her little hands grabbing it.

"Ahhh... Fuck" I mumbled closing my eyes.

Slowly the pace grew faster as my breath started getting heavier with each minute. All I could see was red. Red with lust for her. Slowly I felt a pair of soft hands on my length and I quickly looked for who was holding me.

I saw those pretty eyes once again, begging to take control. How can she be here? I wonder. But nothing seemed logically comprehensible at this time.

So, I let go. I let her take over me as I watched her strike my submission. Her hands gripped at my length and started giving them strokes.


I am gonna come.

"Hold on for me," she said. Her angelic voice filled my ears with pleasure.

I lay back giving myself all in. Suddenly my mind accelerated as her mouth gripped the tip of my length.

"Fuck baby... yes... Just like that" I barely have the words left to express my pleasure.

My eyes closed as I felt her mouth on my cock going up and down. I forced them to open to see her eyes and found them staring at me intensely.

I watched her locking eyes with mine as I watched her wobbling her mouth on my cock. Fuck she is such a teaser.

Her tongue slowly glided up to the tip of my length and her eyes locked on mine to see my expression. I gripped the bedsheet as I watched her sink to the bottom.

God, she knows what to do exactly.

I gripped her head and pushed her further in as I watched her taking all of it like a good girl.

Man does she have a gag reflex?

Her beautiful lips gripped tightly around my cock and her tongue did wonder while moving up and down. My eyes shut closed while feeling all the extreme pleasure.

God, I want her. All of her. Only for me.

I gripped her hair intensely as I reached almost my peak. It was a loud sigh as I released every bit of it in her mouth. She took it all like a good kitty.

Fuck this was amazing.

I finally opened my eyes which were searching for her. I frowned as I couldn't spot her. Where could she possibly go in such a short time? And that is when I realized that all she existed was in my head. I just had a dream about her. That too a naughty one.

Gosh, hopefully, she won't kill me.

I smiled while lying back on my soft bed. My mind was empty now. My eyes were heavy and in desperate need of good sleep. What Bella couldn't do in hours, her dream did in just a few minutes.

Fuck, how the hell am I supposed to stay away from her now?

Sleep took over me with all the clouded thoughts in my head.


I pulled out a black shirt and a pair of blue jeans. I liked my long messy hair so I kept them like that. I pulled out my drawer that had the collection of my watches and ties side by side. Unintentionally my eyes fall on the back tie from that night. Which encircled her tiny hands and my face beneath her womanhood. The way she screamed my name could barely make me stand properly right now.

Fuck. I need to stop thinking about her. She rejected me.

My hand found a matching Rolex watch and I pulled it out. I finished with perfume and looked at the mirror one last time before I walked out.


"Hello, mom?"

"Yes, mom, I am okay."

"Just take care of yourself too, okay? I will come to meet you next week."

"Okay, mom. I will. Now hang up, I have to get to college in 10 minutes."

"Bye I love you"

My mom was the only person who could bring a smile to my face instantly. Not that I was a big fan of hate-love sort of things, but there were a few people I disliked and a few that I liked. Mom was the one I loved.

I drove my Bugatti through the busy streets of New York.

It was the busiest street in the world. Unlike Charlotte, New York was crazy. I enjoy staying here but sometimes I do think of returning back home. I miss the weather and the peace.

I was just exactly 2 minutes away from being late. I ran through the corridors and finally reached my classes.

Thank God Bellamy, Shawn and Mike saved me a seat. Shawn was a tall and dark man, who looked like a handsome hunk but he said he was the beast in bed. Men talk, you know. Whereas Mike is a nerd. But I enjoy their company. I smiled and offered a small thank you as I sat beside them. They were with me in my pediatric classes.

Shawn was with me pursuing the MD in Medicine, whereas Mike was pursuing dental and Bellamy was an exchange student too who was doing her MSc in BioChem. Thus, we all sat together in paediatrics.

It was not long before I made friends with them. They were cool to hang out with. At least I could use them as a distraction.

During these two weeks, I met with Mira thrice. Either we were crossing each other or we had some work to do. Each time she kept a straight face. I tried to ignore her as much as I could. But in reality, I was driving myself crazy.

The way she bites her lips between her teeth makes me go crazy. That should be me who'd be biting her. I wanted her to give me a chance.

I somehow managed to spend the rest of the week avoiding her. I cannot force her. So, I made amends. I was happy with her image in my mind.

And to be honest, my friends found a great way to keep me distracted from her. Their silly jokes and us pulling pranks on Bellamy were fun.

"Mr. Connors, Mr. Willsmith, Mr. James and Miss Mor please visit the Student Head Council after class". A lady announced our names.

Fuck that's Mira. What does she want now? I sighed as I finally looked at the rest.

They were confused just like me.


"May I come in, Miss Mira?" Bellamy asked from behind the door.

"Yes," Finally I heard her voice after so many days. Fuck that's so fucking sexy. Her voice.

Bellamy moved inside followed by the rest of us. I tried to stay calm as possible. We stood before her and saw she was still working on her paper.

"You called for us?" Mike said casually.

"Yes," she finally looked up from her paper.

Her beautiful eyes glistened as she looked at me with those eloquent eyes. She was wearing a shirt and skirt that hugged her curves gladly. I wished I was the dress by now.

"Yes, I did. Take a seat" she said gesturing for us to sit down. Hugging her.

I tried to keep myself as composed as possible.

"I wanted to ask how things are going with the studies. How is the new student doing? Are you guys being friendly?"

"Yes, Miss Mira, they are very hospitable thank you" I replied looking at them.

"Glad to know that you are doing well. I hope the rest of you found him on his apex behaviour till now?"

"Hell, yeah Miss Malhotra, he is cool," Mike replied with a white-teeth smile.

"Yeah, he's, our boy. Don't worry about him. We will take care of him" Shawn said with a cocky tone and an irrelevant smirk on his face. I swear this dude is gonna get into some trouble soon.

Finally, she turned towards Bellamy who was sitting quietly. She asked, " What about you? How do you find the course and other students?"

"Uhm... The process is going well, and he is doing great. He is a kind man and cares for us. So, we are glad that I am in his class, Miss Malhotra"

"Is he your boyfriend?" she asked suddenly, leaving everyone on the track stunned in the dead air. I looked at her with wide eyes as her eyes were still on Bellamy's with a skeptical look. What's wrong with her?

"That's something personal and I don't wanna discuss it with you, Miss Malhotra. I hope you can understand." Bellamy stood up from the chair with an annoyed face. "If you have nothing to ask anymore, can we leave?"

She composed herself before saying "Um. Yes. The rest of you can leave. I'd like Mr. Connors to stay back for a few minutes please."

While I was getting up, she looked at me and I stopped on my track. I took my set again and looked at the rest of them. They seemed a bit confused but they left anyway. Whew. For a second the air was hot in there.

Mira waited until they left the room and the door was closed again. But when they were gone, we sat looking at each other for some time. Nobody talks with each other almost for a minute.

Finally, I thought to break the silence. I asked in confusion. "Why did you ask such a question to her?"

"Why do you care about her?"

Is she serious right now?

"Mira, they are my friends. You just... kind of... embarrassed her."

"How the fuck asking a question just to embarrass someone?"

"Well, she is an adult and moreover you just asked her something personal and she felt embarrassed in front of all of us. Why did you do that?"

"So, you guys are something personal now? What's going on between you two?" She asked with a straight face and I couldn't believe her right now.

"Okay Mira, what's wrong with you today?"

"Just answer the goddamn question, Alex"

"Fine... nothing! Nothing is going on between us"

"Then why do you always hang out with her? Why does she always smile around you?" She snapped at me.

I looked at her dumbfounded for a minute before finally asking "Are you... perhaps jealous of her?"

Could she be?

She looked at me with wide eyes and answered in a panicked voice, "N-NO"

I looked at her closely and right now she is sitting uncomfortably on her chair while pressing her thighs together. She is tapping her feet continuously and there were changes in her breaths. She's nervous.

As I stood up from my chair and slowly walked towards her, I rolled my tongue in my mouth as I asked, "So why does it even matter to you? You rejected me, right? Or were they just vague words?"

I watched her gulp as she looked at me in shock. She just got caught off guard. For once I wish this is all true and she wants me the same way I want her.

"Tell me that you want me the same way I want you, Mira. Tell me." I need her words before I could mark her all over again as my personal art.

I was bent down to her level as I was now close to her face. Her pretty eyes kept staring at mine, beneath those long curled eyelashes fanning her cheeks. She looked shocked all of a sudden like her secret just got caught. She licked her lips nervously.

Fuck. Those tempting lips would be the death of me someday. How badly I want to bite them right now. I need to control it. I can lose on this one.

I lean further, now just an inch away from her lips. My eyes fall on her delicious lips which are parted in shock right now.

"Tell me you don't want my lips on yours just as much as I do?"

"I-I... "

I leaned even more, finally connecting our noses. Her trembling breaths were falling on my face and I couldn't take my eyes off her lips. I want to claim them as mine right here. I want to take her right here.

Fuck. I leaned further almost losing myself in her clouded eyes.

"NO." She pushed me to get up on my feet. I smirked looking up at her. I now know this was all a lie. She still wants me. At least her body tells me that. She is just in denial mode.

"Okay," I said, standing up and looking straight into her eyes.

"I will be at Club B this Saturday. Probably with them. Her." I specifically emphasized 'her' for Mira. I know she hates it.

I watched her face get annoyed as I smirked outside her door.

Mira 0. Alex 1.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: He is obsessed. So is she! What is going to happen in the game?