Chapter 16- 101 Roses


I woke up happy this morning. I cannot believe that she's all mine now. It's the second week of February now and the cold mornings seem pleasurable while cuddling with her.

I couldn't hold back my smile.

I have never been so excited for anyone in my life. She was different. Everything about her just makes me lose my mind. It's in the way she talks, the way she smiles, the way she cannot eat spicy food, the way she sleeps with a cute pout, and the way she finally turns into the devil when the light turns dark. My little devil.

I smirked as I drove past the traffic in my Porsche 911. Another weekend was spent as magnificent with her. Her pretty eyes have made me fall for her even more. She's like that beautiful dark cloud that can calm you on a nice evening, but with a twist of thunder in between, making your nerves wreck with a pang of the flashlight.

Looking at my past relationships, I can see why they hadn't worked out before. It was her. It was always meant to be her. That we would meet one day and everything else would fall into place after that. And I am not one per cent in doubt that she's the one. And now that I know, it's her, I'd do anything to make her mine.


I looked at my phone and it was my mom. I received the call through Bluetooth as I was still driving and was late at the same time.

"Hey, beautiful woman... to what do I owe this call, this morning?"

"You can't cheer me up with those cheesy words of yours today. You forgot to send the roses, I guess I am no longer your first love," she said. That is how she is. My sweet mother, was also a little emotional queen. I guess all Indians have that.

As I grew older, I watched her depend on me. After my father left, all she had was me and Grandpa. I feel empathy for her situation sometimes. How she sacrificed everything for our family. Still, she stood strong for me, grandpa, "us".

"Roses?" I asked, completely confused.

"Did you forget that today is Valentine's Day?" she gasped dramatically.


"Uhh... I am so sorry... I apologize my lady, but I promise that I will bring you something more than that soon."

"Are you coming home?" she asked all excited.

"Soon, mom," I said, keeping my eyes on the road. "Say hi to Grandpa."

"I will." She replied with a soft smile as always. "And..."

"Is there anything you wanna tell me, mom?" I asked as I felt she was having a hard time telling me something. This is something she does only when she has a problem with business or...

"Your dad called..."

I was right.

"What does he want now? Why does he keep calling despite us telling him that we don't want him in our lives? Can't he stop interfering?" I was so upset this time. "He was not there when we needed him, so what's the point of coming back now? Huh?"

"Alex... " She tried to calm me down. "Calm down, all I am asking is..."

"If you are asking me to pretend that I am as happy as you, then I am sorry to tell you, I am not going to talk to him, mom. Just don't ask me to do something that I don't want to."


I disconnected the call as I couldn't take it anymore. It was a pain that I would never want to forget. The memory I don't want to remember.


Dad, I last saw him when I was 7 years old. He and I were best friends. He loved us. Me and my mom and grandpa. He was my hero. But unlike any other father, he became the villain of my life soon after he left us.

I stood by the door as I watched him walk away. I was crying to run to dad, to stop him, but mom held me in her arms. I saw her crying too. I looked at my grandfather, who looked upset as he watched him leave. He never looked back at us. As if we meant nothing to him. I was confused to see him not regret his decision of leaving us. Me. Are we that invaluable in his life?

I guess we are.

I grew up without him. But my mom never let us down. My dad was replaced by her in our lives. She took over our company and the house as well. She ended up being the son my grandpa wanted. She ended up being the director that our company needed. She became the father I needed. She became all. And no matter what she says, I know what I saw. She cried every night hugging his picture, hoping and praying that he'd come back to her one day.

I must say she was a fool, to believe that he would.

Just like that, my father became just a name in our lives. He missed my first sports day, he missed my first award, my graduation and every little detail. And I can never forgive him for that.

I hate him so much. For hurting my mom, grandpa, and... Me.


And now, after all these years he was trying to get along. I could understand my mom's emotions. He may have made her emotional all over again, but he can never fool me. He is absent from my life completely now and I do not want him back.

I sighed heavily letting go of all my anger as I drove straight toward campus. I can't ruin the day thinking about someone who doesn't matter in my life now.

Especially when I remembered today is Valentine's Day. I need to give Mira something. Something special. After thinking for a while, my smile spread across my face when I finalized what I wanted to give her.


"Hey, where were you all this weekend?" Bellamy throws herself at me. She was a beautiful girl. But not as beautiful as Mira. She was about 5'2, her wavy hair fell back on her back and her olive skin was radiant for a college student. The fact is that her gorgeous hazel eyes still seem a little off compared to Mira's black ones. Honestly, I felt a little awkward when she hugged me all sudden, but then again, she is my friend. So, I shrugged it off.

I shake hands with Mike and Shawn too.

"Looks like you were all taken by a woman huh?" Shawn teased me. He was about my height. Tan skin and a well-built body. I personally liked him because he might be a little pervert, but he was a nice person. He always asked for the girl's number in the clubs. I guess a man's single life is like that. I wonder how boring my life would have been if I hadn't met Mira.

I was confused by their gasping and laughing, but I understood when he showed me the marks of Mira's hickey from last night. What a night it was. Having her skin on mine and hearing the sound of our skin slapping made my ears ring. I closed my eyes as I felt how well her lips fitted on my skin and how well mine fit on hers.

Fuck no, I am at school. I can't afford another boner now. I smiled awkwardly as I hid the hickeys behind my hoodie and sat down beside them.

Mike merely observed us with a smile. He had a good physique too, but he was more like a nerd. But still, he was fun. The glass in his eyes made him appear more like what he really is. Nerd. Although he tries to blend in, we all know he's still trying at least.

Bellamy looked a little uncomfortable as she asked, "Are you... seeing someone?"

Yes, the most beautiful girl. But sadly, I couldn't voice it.

"Uhm no... that was random"

'Oh,' she replied as she sat down beside us and we started talking about a few things. We are having an off period now and we decided to hang out a bit before dragging our asses back to the classes. She was somehow the life of our group. She was fun. But not more than my Mira.

"Do you know I met a girl this weekend? Man, she's hot" Shawn said exaggerating.

"Oh, come on Shawn, she was not that hot. Stop exaggerating everything. You are just spiced up from the weekend sex." Bellamy teased.

Oh, what do you know about the spiced-up weekend sex? It would not be perfect until her holy lips would do all the sinful acts. As I continue to fuck her hard, her pretty face is filled with pleasure... Until her mouth screams my name...

Stop! We are at school now. And as per the contract, I cannot just fuck the shit out for her just because I am horny, no matter how hard I am right now. I have to fucking control it. I do not want to lose her.

I got back, back at them as they laughed and talked until the bell rang for the class.

"It's time, let's go," I said pulling up my bag.

"Hey, wait," Bellamy called.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Uhm... I wanna ask were you at the Walmart store this Saturday with Miss Mira, our head counsellor?"

Standing on the track, I looked at her in shock and with wide eyes. Probably I looked like she asked my kidney out. Well, not kidney, maybe my heart. Still an organ.

Calm down. She doesn't know yet. I hope. I blinked a few times as I regained my composure and replied, "What? No... Why would I be? I was with a friend this weekend." I laughed awkwardly.

She looked at me intensely and I silently prayed that she'd believe my words. There is no way this could end before we start.

"Right," She breathed thinning her lips. "Why would you? I am sorry I thought I saw someone like you this Saturday and then I saw Miss Mira's car and I thought I should ask you."

"Hah... You are delusional." I let out another awkward laugh as I do not know what to do right now. Maybe not pretend like an awkward jerk?

Thank God, Mike and Shawn said they would catch us up later and I could dodge her questions running back to my class.



I drove down in my car to the university along with Tom as Alex left in his car. We promised that we would not act like strangers at the university. That is for the best.

"You are glowing today, Mira," Tom said while looking at me from the rear mirror. He has a gentle smile.

I bet. How can I not when I just got the best cum of my life? Not that, I haven't had one before, but Alex was different. I don't know what gravity he possesses, that barely could make me stay away from him.

"Thank you, Tom. I guess I am just... happy these days." I replied, and he got back to driving. It was the truth anyways. I was happy. Never thought that I'd be happy. Again. I guess, I deserve to be happy for once in my life.

The car stopped before the gate and I came back to my senses. I got down holding the files in my hand. My face was straight and proud as I entered the campus. For some reason, the campus was oddly crowded today. It appears that the girls wore a little too much makeup, and even the cold winters aren't bothering them as they wore such short, revealing dresses. Gosh. This is what I get to deal with every day. Teenagers. Students. Headache.

But among all of them, Alex is the one I wanna see every day. This bipolar person can go from such a baby to a hot, sexy, hell-fucking man in an instant.

Ugh, stop it. I ignored whatever their daily activities were and walked toward my office. I passed through the students as they gave me the way. I heard a few of them say, "She is so fucking hot!"

"I know, but she's also the demon who would gulp you down in one go," The other one said. I smiled knowing I have remarkably kept up with my reputation.

"I heard she is a crazy bitch. Such a bratty" The first one tells and I ignored them passing away from them. Nothing new

"She is sometimes good; after all, we can't deny how well she manages us, right?" One of them said and I turned back once to look at the person because of my ego. Yes, I was the monster students feared. It was very necessary to keep them in line. I take all this as a compliment to my work. Criticism is what makes you perfect. Constructive or non-constructive.

I almost reached my office and before I could even enter Nina jumped before me giving me almost a mini heart attack.

"Gosh, Nina, you gave me a heart attack," I said dramatically.

"Aren't you giving me heart attacks with surprises?"

"What surprises?"

"The one you have on your table"

I looked at her wide smile skeptically as I moved inside and my jaw dropped when I saw the big bunch of roses on my table. I frowned at the thought of who it could be as I walked to find any notes.

"Happy Valentine's Day, doll. Looking forward to giving the 101st rose to you personally"

My face lit up when I realized who these gifts were from.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Did you guys notice this guy is getting sweeter every day? And guess what? He's gonna give her the 101st himself. Gosh, where do I find this guy in reality?