Chapter 31- The Date

As the cold chills shot up in my spine I sat there with a blank confused face.

"You mean you own the 'The Colman and Co.'?" I asked to make sure that I heard him right.

The same beautiful waitress came up there as he leaned a little and asked-" Good evening Mr Connors. What can I get you today?"

Alex tore his eyes from me to look at her. " I would like to have a glass of Château Lafite. What do you want Mira?" he asked me.

I still didn't recover from the shock from earlier so I found my voice not supporting me as well.

"I think I will have the same"

She nodded and left. Alex looked at me concernedly when he saw me a little faded.

"You okay?"

"Well, no. I am not. I just found out the guy I am dating, who I thought is a mere college student, is the owner of the biggest Multinational company." I gulped water to calm some of my nerves.

"Well, I am not the exact owner. My grandpa is"

"Wait, I am confused. Would you like to enlighten me please?"

He chuckled at my confused face as he continued-"Okay... So, my grandpa Charles David Colman Connors, develop and build The Colman and Co group of companies... Which consist of the part in major Public sector business in hotels & hospitals across the globe. He always had the thought that one day his son would take over his empire. But after my grandma gave birth to my father, she met with an accident and can never conceive anymore. So my grandpa had only one hope and brought up my dad to become like a successor so he would take over his empire."

He paused to look at me as I was listening to him attentively. He looked a little sad or uncomfortable maybe as he continued-" But he had a different opinion about his life. He chose a different path. My grandpa was devastated when he refused to take over. He saw no hope but he never gave up. Then my dad met my mom... and I happened. So grandpa inherits his company to me, as his last wish."

I was literally hooked by the little information that he kept away all the time. He is the fucking heir of the multimillionaire company The Colman and Co. And here I just think of him to be a mere college student.

Okay no, it is pretty much clear where he can afford all these expensive things. But the question is why is he into medicines then?

"And then why are you pursuing medical?" I asked being all curious.

He sighed as he replied with a not-so-happy face-" This is something I wanna pursue myself."

"What about your dad?"

His face frowned a little before he replied-" Let's say he's someone who likes to rebel. Right now, all grandpa have is me and my mom."

"What about Singh in your middle name?" I asked out of curiosity I have always wanted to ask him that.

He chuckled and replied-" The Singh was my mom's last name. I took that from her"

"Aren't your mom and dad, are like, together?"

"Ummm let's say that mom's job kinda affects their relationship and dad gave up. But my mom couldn't just give up on her family. She took over his place in the family."

"What did your mom....."

"She was in the military. She left her position to look after our family now."

"Wow... she's such inspirational."

"Yeah... She is, I would like you to meet her someday. I know she would love you"

Now, this is something that scared me. Involving parents and growing relations. I was never a fan of these things. I don't know how to answer him so I just quietly prayed to dodge this question.

Luckily the waitress came by with our wine and Alex gave orders for our food.

"Remind me once again why this restaurant is empty. Cuz' as far as I know this happened to be the busiest restaurant in Manhattan."

He chuckled while taking a sip of his wine. His relaxed figure reminded me of how he looked under that suit of his. Okay... focus ... horny ass.

"I booked it for us tonight"

I was again left speechless as I could just stare blankly. His eyes stared deep into mine showing the waves of emotions that have always scared me. But tonight I seemed calmed to see them in him. Something in him is moving me day by day. As much as I am tempted by him, he was also making me feel his emotions. Honestly, I was not sure that this will lead us in any good way.

What was he doing to me?

Am I really falling in...?

No... I can't. I just can't. I am pretty sure this is just the temptation that is invading my thoughts and insecurities.

But at the same time, I cannot deny that this presence didn't make any difference. I feel alive, I feel joy. I feel emotions when I am around him. He makes me laugh and giggle, he makes me happy. The magnetic pull was never stronger like mine with him, to any other person ever. I was feeling a whole new era of feelings and emotions.

Thus I am confused.

But at the same time, I do not want to ruin this by overthinking everything as I do. For the first time in my life, I wanna feel complete. And I feel it only when I am around him.

So I smiled. Smiled and enjoyed the rest of the evening. While the world seems to take me to the very edge, I knew he was slowly becoming my anchor.


"The food was really nice I must say" I complimented as I watched the stars.

We came to the rooftop area after our dinner. The dinner was lavish and relish at the same time. I have always wanted to have a seat in this restaurant during my stay in New York, But that didn't happen due to the always preoccupied booking. It was not all the time we can find a peaceful place to just gaze at the stars. I feel so calm.

The waiters and waitresses were nice around this place. They served us well.

"What about you?" he suddenly asked taking my attention from the stars.


"Tell me about you, Mira. I want to know about you" He asked with his most genuine voice. This was the first time any man was interested in my personal life other than my sex life. But this was one of the reasons why I use to leave before they woke up.

To avoid the question about me.

I do not want to travel to my darkest past and get again the horrifying life I have led.

He looked at me with a frown when she found me a little uncomfortable.

"It's okay you don't have to say if you do want to"

I gulped. Relief rushed through my veins as the adrenaline rush calms down a bit. He turns back with a hurt face and I didn't like to see him at all.


His phone buzzed as our attention went on that. Bellamy. I clenched my jaws as soon as her name flashed on the screen. I know I might probably be behaving like a kid right now, but I have never liked her calling Alex again and again. I have a strong feeling that She liked him. And every part of me hated that.

Sometimes I wonder why was I probably feeling this jealousy in the first place. For someone I have just known for a few months, isn't jealousy a bit too much to feel?

Alex received the call and accidentally he put that on speaker.

"Hello, Alex?" She sounds drunk. She giggles when Alex hummed in reply. We both looked at each other concerned about Bellamy this time. I remembered how the crime rate just happened to grow in these few months. So no matter how irritated I was at this point in time. I stayed calm.

But it didn't go too long as she said

"Do you know that I like you?"

I clenched my jaws as I heard her confession to Alex. Alex gulped looking at my expression when he tried to change the topic.

"Be-Bellamy? Where are you? Have you been drinking? Is there anyone with you now?" He questioned as a genuine friend. But still, I hated hearing that from him.

"Do-Don't worry Alex, I am with Mike. I wish you are here with us. But you are never around. I could never hang around with you. So I wanna ask you to confirm do you have a girlfriend?"

As soon as she asked this question I waited for him to reply. I want to know what would be his reply at this point in time.

I deadpan to him as he gulped looking at me. I crossed my arms raising my eyebrows waiting for his response.

"Be-Bellamy... you are drunk You need to go home or please hand over this call to Mike."

"No. I don't want to. I really really really like you a lot. Why don't you see me, Alex? Am I not beautiful?" She asked in her drunken voice.

At this point in time, I really wanna smack her head to the ground so her sense would come back to her and she apologises for her doing. I don't know why I was feeling this pull of anger to kill her for confessing to him. For whatever reason, Alex is all mine for now. And I would not let anyone lay their eyes on him.

"Okay, I think she really needs someone to get her home. I think I should call the police and then they can take her back..."

"Is that a girl? are you with a girl?" She asked all attentively when she heard my voice. That's right he's with me, I am his girl.

"Yes right you idiot. She is with a girl. Now get your ass back at home before I kick that off" I said while getting off all my anger.

Alex somehow seemed to enjoy this as he was controlling his laughter.

Soon we heard Mike's voice taking river the call as he said-" Oh shit I am so sorry. We didn't know that you have a girlfriend. I will take care of Bell. Don't worry. You can enjoy"

She tried to say something but the call got disconnected before that.

As soon as the call disconnected I asked being all grumpy-"Why didn't you say whom you are with?"

Alex chuckled at my behaviour and suddenly grabbed me by my waist and pulled me towards him while he didn't wait to kiss me. Slowly and passionately. He showed off all his emotions and affection in that kiss. Our lips danced in the rhythm of the stars and moon as I calm down by his touch. Only he could do that magic.

He pulled off and gave me as genuine a smile as he could.

He stared deep into my eyes and said-" There is no one like you my doll"

His words never failed to build up all these butterflies in my stomach. He kissed me once again under the moon as I felt all his affection for me. I was happy that it was all for me. So I don't hesitate to give him all that I have.


"Don't you think stars can make funny shapes?" I asked lying beside him and gazing at the beautiful sky once again.

"Its called constellations"

I deadpan at him as he ruined my imagination for a minute.

"I know. You just don't say that now. Let your imaginations fill up your mind."

He gave me a 'are you serious look' but I ignored it.

"Stars are the only friend I had all these years."

"What you mean?" he asked getting his all attention towards me.

"I was never good with friends. Thus I could never share what was going on with me with anyone. One day, when mom saw me crying alone because I had no one to share my thoughts with, she said that stars are really great friends. They always stay and listen to us. I grew up sharing everything with them All my hardships and tale of pathetic life. This is why I could never trust people. They always betray. I have secluded myself from everyone. I never knew what hanging out with friends is or what falling in love is. All I got was hate, betrayal and sympathy. People blamed me for something that I have never done. Thus, came to the conclusion that I would never attach myself to anyone ever again. I have a dark past, Alex."

My throat began to get dry and my eyes kinda sting with the overflowing emotions. It was too much for me. For some time he looked at me intensely, before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me more towards him. I looked up at him and found him staring with such affection that put a shiver runs down my spine.

His oceanic eyes were drowning me slowly. He hugged me to his chest as he caress my head.

"I will never betray your trust, Mira. I don't know what are you still holding on but I am ready to wait until you are ready to tell me. But till then just know that I am always here no matter what. Consider it as us against the world."

I gulped on the lumps of my throat as I heard his genuine confession. I stayed there silently just feeling his warmth. The night sky was beautiful and the little breeze started to chill up the environment. But he is the sun in my winter. I lay comfortably in his arms feeling his warmth in this chilly weather.

"Even if the stars make us apart, I promise I will always make my way up to you. Until I am here you can just live your life in happiness. Nothing can hurt you ever."

I kept my head in his chest and felt his calm heartbeats. I felt at home in his arms and sleep started taking over me. For the first time in my life, I wanna give up on all the controls I have. I just want him to be by my side.

He kissed my temple as he securely wrap me in his arms. Comfort pushed over me as I hugged him back and sleeps right in his arms.


Now we will slowly see them opening up to their past for both of them. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you in the next update. Until then Love ya... XOXO.