Chapter 33- Fault

As I walked inside the campus I saw the students laughing and giggling with their friends or boyfriends or side chicks. They seems happy and cheerful I smiled to see them doing good.

The morning was bright and sunny. It was already March and the summers are almost hitting the weather. This morning I was quite cheerful and energetic.

That day I had a few meetings and files to fax to the headquarters. I have sent the invitation to the council for the meeting in South Korea in a few days. Also, the list of the students that were supposed to be sent out for the internships was done. The day was busy indeed.

"Hey, bestie..." Nina walked in with a cheerful smile.

"Hi, bestie..." I smiled back looking up at her.

"Guess what?" She asked being all excited...

"What?" I asked knitting my brows in confusion.

"David just proposed to me....." She squealed in joy, showing off her amazing ring that must be given by David.

Once again I was reminded of the burden I am carrying on my shoulder. What is wrong with everyone today?

I was really speechless at this time. "Wow... That's amazing... But aren't you guys dating for like a few weeks?"

"Two and a half months now..." She replied all excited.

"And how do you know he is the one?"

"Well... You just gotta know when you gotta know..."

I looked at her being all confused as hell.

"How would you know you are not making any mistake?"

She sighed as she sat on the chair opposite me.

"See, when he is the one, you will know. There will be moments when you will realise that no matter what time you spent with him, it's enough. Enough to realise that your heart has already chosen the one for you.

When you start missing that person even if it's been a short span of time when he looks at your eyes and you feel he is your world, your home, that's how you know. There is no such theory to fall in love, my dear Mira"

As she said all that, I looked away from her and started rethinking everything that is happening in my life. Slowly her words began to fade away from my ears as I could now only focus on one person. Alex.

His blue eyes, that was drowning me in him. His sinful lips were taking all my morality away from me. No matter how hard I try to say that this, us doesn't mean anything to me, I was feeling something that was ahead of just desires.

He started to feel like my home. Someone I would come back for. My anchor. And for all the reasons, most surprisingly I was wanting all of these.

I frowned at myself as I remember what we have set into. This is not supposed to happen in the first place. This shouldn't happen. I gulped knowing that whatever I said to myself some part of me started wanting him.

"Mira? Are you even listening to me?" She asked gaining back my attention.

"Uh... Yeah... I am so happy for you bestie" I smiled awkwardly.

"I know." She smiled genuinely.

And I can see the glow on her face today. She is in love. In fact crazy in love.

Am I in love too? I don't know. Whatever she explained the love to be if that was it then... But how can I? I mean I am not possibly in love... I cannot.


I was merely 21 years old. Young and fool. I have never experienced love before. And that is when my dad announced one evening while having dinner-

"There is good news..."

All of us looked up at him waiting to hear the news from his mouth. I knew it was supposed to be regarding our business. Dad has worked hard for it and I know my brother will be soon taking over it. We all have faith in him.

But surprisingly the news was not about that.

"I have fixed the marriage of Mira."

It came to me like a wave of shock. Marriage? Me? But with whom?

I was still in the last semester of my college. I looked at him with confusion while others waited to hear out everything.

"Today Mr Dixit came to our office and gave me the marriage proposal for our Mira. he is indeed a gentleman and belongs to a good family." He looked at me when he finished his sentence.

I gulped when everyone's attention was on me. I was getting a panic attack by now.

"But papa..." I tried to state my words but before that, he cut me off by saying

"I know Mira. This is a little rush for you. But I believe that you will like him. I am not forcing you. I never did. I want you to meet him. And when You feel comfortable, we can talk further."

No matter what I knew my dad would always choose the best for me. So without asking for anything else I agreed to his condition.

I have joined a university in India for the job of administration and counselling. The opportunities and growth were high. Dad wanted me to work for our business but I have a passion to work for the universities and he never stopped me.

He is the best supporter of my life.


I was waiting in the coffee shop for the person with whom my marriage was set. Harsh Dixit. I have met him a few times during the business dinners. he was indeed a tall and handsome guy. But I have never noticed him until now.

"I am sorry I am late Mira, I hope you didn't have to wait for too long right?" he said as he took a seat opposite of me. He was late for almost half an hour.

"That's okay. I understand you must be a busy person."

We had an amazing day that evening. He was 7 years older than me. But he was indeed a gentleman. He did all the things that provoked me to fall for his manliness. He showed the care and attention that made my heart flutter.

And it didn't take much longer to see the final dates of our marriage.

He made me smile every time we met. If this is what falling in love called then I was slowly falling for him. And foolishly I thought he is the best man for me.


I walked inside his office as I brought lunch for him today. I was about to knock on the door when I heard a few noises from inside. Like someone was making out. I opened the door to see what is happening and my jaw dropped when I saw a girl sitting on top of him naked.

I felt like everything around me stopped for a second and hot tears started running down my cheeks.

"Harsh..." I gasped shockingly.

As soon as his eyes falls on me, he quickly removed the girl and stood up. He put up his pants and tried coming towards me.

"Stop. I do not want to see your face again." I put an end. It was hurting so much to get betrayed. It was something I have never expected.

I turned around to leave the building but then someone gripped my wrist. I knew it was him but I didn't want to see him right now.

"Can you just give me time to explain? I promise I would do anything after that" He begged.

This was all a nightmare. And once again his eyes made me a fool to believe all his lies.


This is why I never believed in love again. This all began to feel like something new and I know this can take me down. But no matter how many rules I set for us. Alex would come to me breaking them all again and again.

"I love you" Began to ring in my head with his thoughts which made me sort of crazy the whole day. I think we need to talk.


That evening as I was on my way home, I heard a student gossiping about someone. Students, Girls. Ugh... and their gossip. But something got me to stay back and hear them out.

"Did you hear that the new guy Alex and Mike fought this morning?" the first student said.

"Yeah... it's all over the school today. They happen to be good friends I don't know what got them into this big fight." the second one replied.

"Oh, I heard it's about a girl." they were fighting about a girl.

"Yes. And it all started when that girl Bellamy kissed him out of the blue"

I fist my hands as I heard this. I was feeling jealous and hurt to hear that Bellamy kissed him. Not that it was his fault because I trust him, but still the news has managed to hurt me. I began to hear more of their conversation.

"I always kinda knew she liked Alex from the very first day. But I didn't know that he was dating some older women."

"Yeah, men's fetish desires. We can never know"

My heart skipped a beat when I heard this. How the hell did they know this? Is my reputation is on danger now? I bit my lowers lips in anticipation and fear. I don't know what to think or do. Every action seemed to fail to come up in me.

"I heard that Mike likes Bellamy and Bellamy likes Alex. And then when Alex rejected Bellamy harshly Mike threaten him that he would tell everyone of his little flings with an older woman. that is when Alex hit him"

"Yeah, he beats him really bad. he probably would be hospitalized right now."

I can not wait anymore after hearing this. Is Alex Okay? is he hurt? What the hell happened? My Mind began to think about all the possible things that would have happened to him. I ran from there without having any more thoughts.

I needed to see him. We need to talk.

I was Tom standing with my car just outside the gate and I almost ran ignoring everything right now.

"Take me to west 57th street, fast"

"On it ma'am" he replied as he ignite the engine and the car rolled between the traffic toward our destination.

Unknowingly tears ran down my cheeks and I silently prayed for his safety.


The climax has already started. Now we saw another glimpse of Mira's past. Her first love.

Alex and Mira are now standing on a bridge that could let him to a whole new world or could end everything right here.

See you in the next update... Love ya XOXO