One hundred and twenty six

As we settled, Veronica served a banquet in the name of breakfast. It contained all the dishes one could imagine. Maybe Nicholas had a secret plan of fattening me before we leave.

"Talia, love, what would you want to do today?" Mom asked. I already like both of them because they were homely and a physical representation of what I've always wished for. Parents. 

Speaking of parents, my heart became heavy remembering my father. I desperately wished to get to know him better. But, at the same time, I was scared.

"I don't have anything in mind," I answered Mrs. Robert's question.

"Okay. We can find something fun to do."

"How do you like the place, Talia?" her husband asked.

"It's beautiful. More like a palace. A homely palace."

"I'm glad that you like it. We've had it in mind to gift Nicholas this place once he gets married. It's our wedding gift to the both of you."