One hundred and sixty-three

Talia's POV:

"Would you like some hot chocolate or anything? Maybe coffee or tea?" Lilian asked, still hovering by the table. Normally, when Nicholas and I were eating together, she made herself scarce, but for some reason, she seemed reluctant to leave me alone this morning. She leaned into me as if she was my mother or about to reveal a big secret.

I looked up from my plate and forced myself to give her a smile. "No, I'm okay, Lilian, thanks." Picking up my fork, I speared some eggs and brought them to my mouth, determined to eat something to alleviate the concern I saw on the housekeeper's softly rounded face.

As I chewed, I saw Lilian hesitating for a moment, as though she wanted to say something else, but then she disappeared into the kitchen, leaving me to my breakfast. For the next few minutes, I made a serious attempt to eat, but everything tasted like sand and I finally gave up.