One hundred and seventy

Nicholas's POV:

Today wasn't an exception to what I've been passing through ever since I was captured. The only thing that put my mind at ease was the fact that Talia was safe and well-guarded. It would have killed me to know that she was exposed.

For me, it has been constant torture and moving me around from one enclosure to the other. The heavily guarded environment at that.

Back to when our plane crashed. The flight was going well a few weeks back until the cell decided to shoot it down when I entered Hong Kong territory. I was still yet to figure out how they found out about my plans. Someone from within my organization must have tipped them off. 

At first, there was only darkness and pain. Pain that tore at me. Pain that shredded me from within.

The darkness was easier. There was no pain in that, only oblivion. Still, I hated the void that consumed me when I was in that dark emptiness. Hated the blankness of non-existence.