Chapter 18 Qigong

I think I broke her. A gloriously naked Liu Feng stared up at the ceiling. She was perfectly still the only sign of life was the gentle rise and fall of her chest.

After collecting my reward and contribution points from the Assignment hall I took Liu Feng home. She tried to escape to her room as soon as we got back but I wasn't going to let her.

I told her earlier that I was done playing cat and mouse. This cat was now going to devour his little mouse. Of course, being the gentlemen I was some preliminary romancing was in order.

First was a bath for the two of us. She put up little resistance only demanding I look away when she stripped and entered the water. She was utterly adorable. I added rose petals to the water. The petals hid her body from my view but I didn't mind.

I pulled her into my arms and kissed her soft lips. She was blushing like a ripe tomato. But with a few more kisses she was putty in my hands. Actually, she was so limp I had to hold her up. Each time I kissed her she seemed to go limper. After ten minutes or so I carried her out of the bath.

I dried her off before carrying her to the bed. Liu Feng had never been with a man. WHich was strange seeing as the Joining Energies technique was used by everyone in the sect. Even the sect leader had a few partners she cultivated with. I personally wasn't into virgins. I know most men go crazy for a virgin but I never did. But Liu Feng was special. I actually looked forward to intruding her to sex. I was going to blow her mind and then some.

I started with a soft kiss on her lips before I kissed my way down her body to her. Liu Feng was the image of dainty. Especially her princess parts as her mother once called them.

Her nether lips were as dainty as the rest of her with a neatly trimmed carpet. Her folds were a light pink that made my heart race with excitement. I parted her lips with my thumbs and licked those delicate folds. She was sweet like fruit.

The shocked squeal from Liu Feng brought a smile to my face.

"What are you doing?" She said in a stage whisper.

"Licking you," I informed her. To punctuate my words I gave her pink petals a long languid lick. Liu Feng moaned her eyes rolling into the back of her head.

"You can't do that. It's not proper." She managed to say after a minute.

"I can. I am. and I really don't care what's proper." Having said that I delved my tongue into her. I ate her out in earnest now. She let out a louder moan and gripped my hair. At first, I thought she was going to rip my head away, but then she pushed my face harder against her entrance. I smiled as I swirled my tongue. around.

When her clitoris made its appearance from its little hood I diverted my attention. I licked and sucked her little button and had the pleasure of watching Liu Feng have her first orgasm of the night. She cried out and convulsed her hands tightening painfully on my hair.

I waited till she had come down from her orgasm before I plunged myself into her. I'd found that it didn't hurt as much for the girl to enter just after orgasm and to do it in one plunge. She hissed and bit down on my shoulder. Not very hard but she let me know that it stung. I waited till I felt her folds loosen around my shaft before I started thrusting slowly. I kept my movements gentle.

Her arms came around my neck and soon her hips were moving in sync with mine. I felt her second orgasm of the night while I was inside her. Felt her tunnel convulse around my shaft. It took all my will not to come right then and there. But I held back and continued my thrusting.

Four orgasms later I couldn't hold back without losing my mind. I tried to pull out but her legs wrapped around me holding me in her as my essence poured into her. After a while, her grip loosened on me and she went still.

Bringing us back to the present. It had been nearly thirty minutes since she'd moved or made a sound. Her breathing was the only sound she'd made.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

She nodded her head but didn't say anything.

"Babe, you've been very quiet. You sure your okay?"

She frowned and looked at me. "I'm not a Babe. In case you forgot I'm a woman."

I chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Babe is a term of endearment of my world." I place a soft kiss on her lips. "I could never forget you're a woman."

She blushed, then scrunched up her face. "Your world sounds like a strange place."

I laughed at that, then nodded my head. "I won't deny that. But seriously, what's on your mind?"

She turned her head to look back up at the ceiling. "I caught my parents coupling a few times. It looks so intrusive and painful. He was so rough with her while they did it. I vowed I'd never let a man hurt me in such an intimate manner." She sighed. "It hurt a little. But before that with your tongue and then when you were inside me, those explosions of pleasure. I guess I understand why she kept letting him have his way with her."

I tried not to outright laugh. So I settled for a chuckle. "Honey, I guarantee it wasn't painful for your mother. It only hurts the first time. The pleasure you felt tonight only gets better the more times you do it." I explained.

Her eyes went wide and a carnal hunger entered them. Oh no. I made a monster. And how she devoured me. The following morning, we were both sore and spent the day soaking in herbal baths and popping health regeneration pills.

I had effectively introduced Liu Feng to the wonderful world of sex. Now she couldn't get enough of it. If not for the fact she couldn't sit without her sex hurting, we'd still be at it. Oh, and she rode my shaft till it was raw. I don't think I could get it up even if I wanted to.

"Didn't you say it would only hurt the first time?" She asked me from her spot on the bed.

"I did. Normally it wouldn't. But we just did it almost the whole night. All that friction will hurt."

She threw a pillow at me. "You should have warned me then." Her lips pouted adorably.

"I'm sorry. In the future, I'll have a detailed lecture prepared." I teased.

She lifted her head and stuck her tongue out at me. I laughed. I was about to get up and maybe make some soup for her when Chyou entered the room followed by Li Mei in her fox form. Well, her second fox form. Li Mei had three fox forms. The first was the size of a terrier. The second was the size of a greyhound and the third was as big as a horse.

Li Mei sniffed the air and then trotted over to Liu Feng and sniffed her. "They mated." She sneezed and shook her head. "A lot." She sneezed again and trotted out the door.

Chyou looked amused. "I would have been more tactful about it but the room reeks of your fornicating. Really Alastair. How could you be such a beast to a lady for her first time?"

I pointed a finger at Liu Feng. "She's the beast. I'm the victim here."

Chyou raised an eyebrow, looking at Liu Feng, who was blushing. "He didn't tell me doing it so much would hurt."

Chyou clucked her tongue and walked to Liu Feng, helping her to her feet. "Come dear, I can make you a remedy for that in the Alchemy room." Chyou ushered her out of the room.

A few days later, I was once again in isolation. Not just for training, but to escape Liu Fang's clutches. Not that bad, but she had become insatiable. Okay, I wasn't really complaining. She even increased her own cultivation, but I needed to focus on my qigong.

That's to Huan Ping. I now knew that qigong encompassed so much more than just meditation and exercises. There were many schools of learning within qigong. Projection, manifestation, manipulation, augmentation, corruption, and infusion. Qi projection was the easiest to learn and use. Most offensive techniques and spells fell into this category. Qi manifestation was much harder. Making objects appear by making them purely out of ambient qi was incredibly difficult. Making the peach blossom for the little girl was the best I could do for now.

Qi manipulation was both easier and harder. Lifting objects and moving them about was easier. Using ambient qi to do delicate work was hard. Pouring tea into cups from the pot was the simplest method to get better at it.

QI augmentation was something I had yet to try. Taking ambient qi and strengthening your aura or weapon with that qi took a lot of effort. That was one thing I was going to practice.

Qi corruption was a gray area of qigong. It involved using your inner qi to cause chaos in another person's qi. The techniques could break barrier spells and disrupt talismans. It could also kill. If a man used qi corruption on another person, it could cause a person's inner qi to go wild and rip them apart from the inside. That's why it was a gray area. It had positive and negative uses. It didn't lean either way.

QI infusion was ridiculously difficult. Unlike agumentation which just reinforced a person or object with qi. Infusion meant combining qi with an object. It required changing the very nature of the qi in the object and the qi you wish to infuse. Divine or Lengendary weapons were made using this method. Making them nearly indistructable and depending on the skill of the maker giving the objects sprits of their own.

The Divine quality sword that was gifted to me by the sect leader. Now named Sky, because of the blue tinge of its blade. It didn't have its own spirit, but it had an affinity with air and water qi. That gave me use of three types of elemental qi.

Despite my goddess given ability to progress in cultivation with utter ease, breaking through into Golden Core would take a lot more work. To break through, I'd have to form a golden core in my lower dantian. But to do that, I'd have to get better control qi in order to do it. According to Chyou. It would involve merging my inner qi with the outer qi around me and my jing or life essence. I'd have to merge all three and condense it into a tight sphere of energy in my dantian that would become my golden core.

If I was lucky. I'd succeed before going home in a few months. I'd love to impress the folks back home with my level of cultivation. Li Mei was excited to meet my wives. Liu Fang was apprehensive, but a little eager to meet them, too.