Chapter 20 Dragon Whistle

Three weeks of commuting between my home and the sect felt like being back on earth. I remembered a cousin of mine from my mother's side of the family who worked on an offshore rig. He had the same lifestyle. One week on the rig, one week home.

The girls had become close in the week they'd stayed at my home. This time, when we returned home, we were met with a warm welcome. Min, Jiao, and Li Hua were waiting for us in the garden. Before I returned to the sect, the previous week I went to Heavenly Blossom. I asked to see Li Hua and made her my concubine. I should have done it sooner, but I had been preoccupied.

I currently sitting on the bench near the pond in my garden when I noticed someone pass through the spirit gate. He wore the sect robes of an outer disciple. He approached me and bowed deeply. "I'm sorry to disturb you while you're at home, master Ivory." He held out an assignment paper to me. "We received an imperial request and elder Chan said to give it to you."

I sighed. Of course, he would, anything to interrupt my day. The bastard was still made about his house arrest and his humiliation in front of the other elders. I took the paper and read it.


The mining town of Yujing had been plagued by recurring attacks by a powerful demon beast. Eliminate the demon beast and secure the mining town.

Reward: 1,000 spirit stones, 5,000 contribution points, 1 Imperial Seal.

This task must be completed within 7 days.


My eyebrows shot up. "You said this arrived today?" I asked the man,

He nodded. "Yes, you have six days left to complete the assignment."

It was a great payday. And it was an imperial request. Seeing as the whole Deming Fai incident was smoothed over with the emperor's help, I could afford to do this for him. Besides, I hadn't taken Lian out in a while. She could use a little exercise.

I laughed as Lian zoomed past people and places like a bolt of lightning. Yujing village was farther than the capital. We reached the village by the time darkness fell. The village was surrounded by a 20-foot wall with a pair of sturdy oak doors. No problem for us. Lian jumped over them. The shocked look on the guards' faces was worth the dozen pointed spears.

I held up the assignment paper with the Imperial seal on it. The Head of the guard took the paper and looked it over. After a minute, he bowed low. "We've eagerly awaited your arrival, great cultivator." He handed the paper back to me. I stored it in my storage ring.

"Where do the attacks usually happen?" I asked.

"Here in the village, but the beast's lair is up the mountain. If you attack at sunrise, you might have a chance."

I nodded my thanks. They escorted me to the Inn and set up a place for Lian to stay. The room in the Inn was very nice. They must have given me their best room.

The guard woke me just before dawn. I took out my armor and donned it. They saddled Lian for me and once again she showed how sentient she was. She didn't hurt any of them and was ready and waiting.

I hauled myself into the saddle and we set off at full speed to the top of the mountain to fight the demon beast.

When Lian and I reached the summit, a trail of bones both human and animal led littered the ground. The demon beast wasn't very subtle. That made things easier for me.

I stalked towards the cave with Lian behind me. I was about to enter when a massive shape flew past me out of the darkness of the cave. The sudden rush of air in its wake sent me sprawling.

I looked up to see a celestial dragon with scales as blue as the sea. Lian roared a challenge. The Dragon turned and opened its jaws wide. A stream of ice. I there up a barrier, putting all my inner Qi and as much ambient Qi as I could. The barrier held until it passed and shattered.

When the Dragon whirled around and opened its jaws again, Lian launched herself at it. Scratched a bloody gash on its jaws. The Dragon snarled and swatted her like a fly. Lian crashed to the ground. I raced to her side. She was alive, but just barely.

The Drago roared, catching my attention. I turned and drew my sword. "Hurt my drake." I threw my blade. It soared through the air and lodged into the dragon's left eyes. It let out a keening cry. I held out my hand, and the blade dislodged itself from the eye and flew into my hand.

The Dragon fixed its one good eye on me and bellowed. It reared up and opened its jaw. I caught the Dragon by surprise last time. This time I wouldn't be so lucky. I didn't quite think this was how I was going to die.

Just as the Dragon was about to turn me and Lian into living popsicles, a massive white scaled slaw gripped the Dragon by its jaw and tilted its head up at the last second, sending the icy blast harmlessly into the sky.

The claw belonged to a second Dragon. Its scales were as white as snow, with two giant blue antlers atop its head. The Blue Dragon pulled away and snarled at the White Dragon. I heard a voice boom in the air.

"How dare you interrupt me!"

I cast about for the speaker and slowly realized it was the Dragon speaking.

"You should be ashamed of yourself. Behaving in such a disgraceful manner. You're lucky I came instead of mother. She'd have reduced you to ash for this." This voice was distinctly feminine and must have belonged to the White Dragon.

I could swear I saw the Dragon equivalent of fear at the mention of the Blue Dragon's mother. Whoever their mother was, she must have been truly terrifying if they were afraid of her.

The White Dragon turned to me and bowed her massive head. "I apologize for the trouble my younger brother has caused you."

The Blue Dragon roared in rage. "You unfilial wench. How dare you duplicate to this insect who took my eye!"

The white Dragon turned on her brother with a truly horrifying snarled that had him cowering. "An insect, you say? Then you're not fit to be a Dragon if an insect took your eye!" Black smoke billowed from her nostrils. She turned back to me. "In your own words, tell me why you took his eye."

I dropped to my knees and clasped my hands in respect. "Mighty Lady of the skies. Your brother slew many innocents in the village below. I thought a demon beast attacked the village. I should have asked more questions, but even if I had, I still would have taken his eye."

The White Dragon moved its head closer to me. "Why?"

I stared up into her large green eyes. "Because if I knew he was a Dragon he would not have shown and inspect such as I the simple courtesy of a conversation. Even if he deigned to speak with me, he would not have stopped at my request."

The White Dragon turned a malevolent gaze on the Blue Dragon. He lowered his head and cowered. "Why did you attack the village?"

The Blue Dragon stood taller and spoke with confidence. "This is my mountain. They failed to show me the proper respect or tribute for taking anything from my mountain."

I cleared my throat, and the White Dragon turned her gaze back on me. "Mortals are short-lived. I won't say with certainty that they didn't know because I'm not privy to that information, But I can say with certainty if they knew a Dragon made this mountain their home, the village would have paid its due respect and tribute."

The White Dragon nodded its head. "I believe your words." She rounded on her brother. "As for you. Mother wouldn't tolerate an answer like that, and neither will I. You're returning home with me or mother will come to get you herself."

The Blue Dragon visibly paled and made no more protest. The White Dragon turned back to me. "I apologize again and offer a boon as recompense."

I bowed low. "Save my Lian," I said, motioning to the drake behind me.

The White Dragon lowered her head to look at Lian. "You are her true master?"

I nodded my head. "The only boon I'd ask for is her life to be spared."

The White Dragon nodded her massive head and a green fire poured from her mouth and washed over Lian. I spun in horror, only to watch Lian rise from the ground unhurt and look better than ever.

She nuzzled me with her snout, and I wrapped my arms around her muzzle.

"What is your name, cultivator?" The White dragon asked me.

I turned and bowed to her again. "I am Alastair Ivory."

"I am Bai Long." The White Dragon said, bowing her head again. She extended a claw and tapped my chest with it. It was a gentle tap and where she tapped me a white jade whistle in the shape of a dragon appeared. "If you should ever need my help in the future, blow the whistle. I'll come." She turned and snapped at her brother, urging him ahead of her. Both took to the sky and soon vanished behind the clouds.

I collapsed to the ground and hugged Lian lovingly, stroking her head. The two of us were alive. I'd have to have a chat with the guards in the village, but I was sure I already knew who was responsible.