Chapter 25 War

"More Huli Jing." Elder Chan glared at me. "I warned all of you now he's building a small army of the abominations. Just wait they'll kill us all and he'll place himself at the top."

"Shut up Chan." Elder song barked. All the elders were woken from their sleep and while they all looked very good, you could tell they just woke up. "You've been harping about the Huli Jing and Ivory practically since he arrived. I'm sick of it. Shut your mouth!"

To my great surprise, elder Chan did just that. Jiutian Xuan had been silent while I regaled them. She spoke now. "You say she can lead us to the Sect?" I nodded. "You vouch for her?"

"With my life, sect leader," I said without hesitation.

She smirked and nodded. "Elder Nuo Ting."

A slender redhead in this world version of nightie the color of fresh blood bowed to the sect elder.

"What are you wearing?" Jiutian Xuan asked her.

"I was asleep. The disciple who woke me said it was urgent." She said, crossing her arms defiantly.

"Never mind. Get dressed and wake the sect. We're officially at war."

Nuo Ting bowed and left the great hall. My eyes tracked the sway of her hips as she walked. Female cultivators were going to be the end of me. The higher one cultivated, the greater looking they became. Most women in the sect were supermodel gorgeous. It made sense the people of this world were laxer with multiple relations. With so many gorgeous people everywhere, how could they honestly resist?

"Elder Fa. I want you to make sure we have enough pills for the healers." Elder Fa bowed low to the sect leader and excused himself with haste.

Jiutian Xuan assigned a duty to every Elder. When It was just Jiutian Xuan and I left, she turned to me. "Alastair, I need a favor from you."

I nodded my head and stepped closer. Her expression was grave, and I could see the reluctance in her eyes. "Would you be willing to convince the Huli Jing to fight for us? I know they trust you, especially if they sought you out."

I nodded my head. "I won't make any promises. I don't know if they'd be willing." I scrubbed my chin. "What can you offer them as the sect elder? I'm not trying to gouge you or anything like that. But I think if I could offer them something, then that might make the difference."

She paced back and forth for a few minutes, considering my words. "If they fight for us we can offer them sanctuary in one valley within the Yin Yang mountains. They'll be isolated, but they will be left in peace and under our protection whenever you're not around, of course."

I smirked. "We have a deal." I held out a hand to her. "By Leandras will."

She gripped my hand firmly. "By Leandras will."

A neat trick Leandra taught me on one of our soul meetings, as I like to call them. Any agreement made in her name was binding with severe consequences to the one who breaks it. Jiutian Xuan just made a deal with me that could hurt her if she breaks it. I don't think she would, but it would help the Huli Jing to trust her.

I left immediately after that. I mounted Lian, and she took me back to the town of Huan. Everyone was waiting for me at the inn. I told them what was discussed and asked the Huli Jing if they would fight with us.

Ainsley was the de facto leader of the group. She was the oldest and strongest. She spoke first. "Do you trust the Sect leader?"

I nodded my head. "With my life. We swore on Leandra's will too. You will have a place and be protected by the sect if you help them."

I could feel their excitement through the bond. I felt skepticism through the bond, too. Understandably, every other race treats them like crap, but humans have been the worse. I waited patiently for them to discuss it. This was an important decision that would affect all of them.

Ten minutes later, Ainsley turned back to me. "We'll fight."

I smiled and hugged her. She stiffened before she melted against me. Through our bond, I sent my feelings of gratitude and comfort. During the fight, I would do everything in my power to protect them. I wouldn't let them be used as fodder by the sect. I didn't believe Jiutian Xuan wanted to use them like that, but I wouldn't let them be used either.

As the first rays of the sun illuminated the world, I stared at my women as they now stood before me. All were clad in armor decorated with the sects of colors. I was wearing my new armor. It fit me like a glove. I had taken a few moments to admire how it didn't constrain my movements. Better than that, every piece of armor was infused with Qi strengthening it. Every piece also had an enchantment on it. My bracers increased my strength by 50%. The Breastplate increased my stamina by 25%. The greaves amplified my fire spells, and the boots gave me increased speed.

We were ready for war. I was given control of the same unit from before. Since I had the Huli Jing on my side, our unit would be the vanguard and be the first into the demon sect compound. The Howling Demon Sect was in the middle of the forest north of the Yin Yang Sect. It was remote and kept hidden by a formation. Ainsley led the army through the woods to the compound.

The Yin Yang Sect had around 2,000 members, not all of them lived on the mountain. 1,000 of the sect's strongest surrounded the compound. We didn't know if all the members were in the enemy compound, but if there were others, we could hunt them down.

The sun was already high in the sky. I breathed in and ran forward, and with a running jump, I kicked down the thick oak doors. The wood splintered and broke apart under my assault. Inside, two dozen men had been sparing or exercising. They stood stock-still, shocked and confused. Then they reacted and attacked.

The battle was the most brutal I'd ever had the displeasure of being a part of. Most of the cultivators I killed were early Core cultivators. If not for the enchantments in my armor, I probably would have had a harder time with it. I was grateful that the Huli Jing had agreed to fight with us. They cut down the enemy cultivators like wheat.

The battle lasted an hour and ended with a battle between the sect leaders. Jiutian Xuan was powerful, more so than I could have imagined. Watching her fight was like watching poetry in motion and her Qi attacks made my entire being quiver with the sheer force of their power.

.The demon sect leader was an old man with gray hair. His skin was gaunt and his eyes were sunken. He looked sickly but his strength and power were apparent. It made me wonder what rituals they performed here. It didn't matter the dark cultivators were dead and we would burn this place to the ground soon enough.

When Jiutian Xuan finally slid her Jian into the demon sect leader's heart, I wanted to let out a cheer. Everyone remained eerily silent. The enemy sect leader let out a wheezy laugh as he died.

"You're too late." He laughed. "You can't stop what's coming. Long Live the Demon King!" He cackled with the last of his breath, then went silent, his eye dulling. His ominous words put us all on edge. What were we too late for? What had this sect done? I met Jiutian Xuan's eyes and I could see my fear reflected in them. What had they done? How could we stop whatever it was?