Chapter 40

As he stepped into the grounds of the fortress and saw the bandit camp, Gerald's smile widened. He glanced back at the gate. The elite corps had barely wedged their way through the bandits. The infantry of Ard followed after them, pouring into the opening the elite corps had made in the defenders ranks. Like a rush of flooding water, Gerald's men burst through the defenders and into the fortress.

The crowd of defenders soon collapsed into chaos, and the bandits began fleeing into the depth of the camp.

"Get to the stairs," Gerald yelled, glancing at the walls where the battle was still blazing. "Corner them."

Two groups split off from Gerald's infantry and moved in opposite directions, heading to the stairs leading up to the walls. After Gerald's success in breaking through the gates, Luwin's men were left with two choices. Foolishly keep fighting on the walls, and in that case they would be surrounded and annihilated; Or Retreat from the walls and let Edgar's men pour into the fortress along with Gerald's men.

Gerald gazed at the bandit camp, mostly full of tents just like the previous ones. The only difference was that there were some houses and cabins erected, likely belonging to the upper ranks of Luwin's men.

He looked at his men who were still pouring through the gate. The infantry had suffered considerable losses in the initial attack on the gate, and he'd noticed some of the Warriors of his elite corps disappearing during his aggressive advance, never to appear again. Luwin's men weren't the rabble his men had fought before.

Before he could tell himself that it was almost over, he heard vigorous war cries coming from the depth of the camp. Soon, he spotted a crowd of enemies approaching from between the houses and tents. They were led by a tall, thin man who wore colorful leather armor.

"That's one of Luwin's lieutenants," Robard said. "It seems that they're trying to mount a counter attack."

Gerald eyed the enemies that were hastening their pace into a charge. Their leader was one of Luwin's two lieutenants who were Sky Warriors. Gerald wondered why two experienced combatants of their quality would follow Luwin even when he'd degraded into a bandit.

"It's their last gasp," Gerald said, raising his sword and preparing to advance. The bandits were clinging to the hope of a successful counter attack. "Let's meet their charge with one of our own."

Robard quickly put his arm in front of Gerald. "My lord, it is true that this is their last gasp. That's why you mustn't lead a charge towards them. I have fought desperate men before. A desperate man will have more courage than the bravest of knights and more strength than the wildest of beasts. We should try to contain our enemies' excitement for now."

Gerald glanced at his head knight, noticing the meaningful stare behind his visor. "Alright," Gerald said. Then he turned to the elite corps and the infantrymen that had filled the entrance of the fortress. "Form up!"

The infantrymen had lost their formations as they attacked the gate, but their commanders were still among them. Gerald soon heard the yells of those commanders urging the soldiers to form ranks in preparation for the enemy's counter attack.

The infantry formed several ranks. Two of them were in front of Gerald and his knight. The pair were in the third rank along with the elite corps, awaiting the enemy's charge.

Gerald saw Luwin's lieutenant leading the bandits' charge with purpose, like the head of a spear. A familiar silence ensued as the enemies drew closer.

The few moments of silence among Gerald's men were soon interrupted by the roars of the charging bandits, who approached with frightening pace. The roars continued until the bandits finally reached the Gerald's men, crashing into the infantry's ranks like wild bulls.

As the charging enemies smashed into the infantry, the rank of men in front of Gerald jerked back, pushing Gerald and those beside him backwards as well.

Yells of anger and screams of pain burst out from the front ranks. The charging bandits had broken through the first rank and dived into the second one, halting there. Gerald heard the sound of metal clashing against metal. He saw the rank in front of him losing its form, its men descending into a melee with the bandits.

He roared and raised his sword, advancing along with the third rank and joining the melee with Robard at his side. He abandoned his shield and charged at the nearest enemy. The bandit was pushing back one of his infantrymen. Gerald leapt to his side and delivered a quick stab that found its way through the bandit's ribs.

He turned around and found Robard next to him, fending off another bandit then shortly dispatching him. Gerald advanced deeper into the melee, his knight by his side and his elite corps following behind him.

In the chaos of combat, he came across another enemy. Gerald attacked, only for his strike to be blocked. The enemy was a Warrior. Gerald spotted a few of his opponent's subordinates coming in his direction. The Warriors of the elite corps advanced to meet them, and Robard protected Gerald's back. The chaos of the melee could spawn an enemy behind one's back at any moment. Gerald's head knight had taken it upon himself to meet any unfortunate enemy who might appear behind his lord.

Gerald focused on his enemy. The latter ignored the heat of combat that would drive men to charge madly at their opponents. He circled Gerald carefully then attempted a python-like thrust. Gerald barely parried it, but he didn't get room for a counter attack. His opponent stepped back and created some distance, circling him again.

Gerald chose to be patient, circling his opponent as well. The latter was eying his defense, apparently waiting for the tiniest of mistakes.

Gerald chose to give him one. He leaned to his left side as he circled his opponent, leaving an opening in the right side of his body. His enemy instantly spotted it and leaned in for a quick thrust.

Gerald smirked as he visibly regained the balance that he'd never lost. He'd learned this trick from Uncle Rudolf. The thrust struck air instead of his gut. Gerald didn't give his opponent a chance to retreat. He delivered a fierce strike to the latter's extended shoulder. The bandit grimaced in pain as the blade slashed its way through his flesh. But Gerald didn't stop there. As his opponent took a step back for respite, Gerald took a step forward. He followed his previous strike by a sideways slash with his outstretched sword.

His sword cleaved through the air and its tip barely managed to cut his opponent's throat open.

The enemy Warrior grabbed his throat with one hand. While Gerald looked down at sword that had its tip buried in his armor. Gerald's deadly second strike had given his opponent the time to weakly strike him with his outstretched sword as well. His opponent's sword had pierced his armor, and its tip had broken his skin below the ribs but the slight wound wasn't worth any worry. He stepped back and the sword slid out of his armor.

His enemy was still holding his throat, and Gerald could see some hope for survival in his eyes. His throat wasn't thoroughly cut. The bleeding wasn't even that bad. Perhaps if a skilled physician arrived on the spot, he could save the drying Warrior. Gerald just scoffed.

He stepped up and delivered a strong stab to his opponent's chest, piercing his leather armor and his heart.

As the dead Warrior fell, Gerald ran his eyes over the surrounding battle. The heat of the enemy's charge had receded, and his advantage in numbers had finally appeared. Gerald found each of the enemy bandits fighting at least two, if not three, of his men.

He easily spotted Luwin's lieutenant close by. The latter's armor was a mix of red and bright yellow, reminding Gerald of the birds he used to see in Malfi City. The enemy lieutenant was surrounded by three Warriors of the elite corps, barely keeping himself alive.

Gerald saw one of the Warriors circle him and step in for a thrust to the Sky Warrior's knee. The latter evaded it, but didn't attempt a counter attack. Another Warrior approached the colorful lieutenant with an overhand slash. The lieutenant blocked it, only to receive a thrust to his side from another Warrior. He attempted to step away after a grimace of pain but failed. The first Warrior had come to his other side, stabbing him in the shoulder. The lieutenant gave up all hope and slashed with his sword, delivering a deep gash to the Warrior in front of him. The other two Warriors took the opportunity and stepped forward with deadly thrusts.

Gerald saw the enemy lieutenant getting skewered by the two swords and slumping to ground dead.

The battle soon slowed down as the bandits began losing their drive and getting surrounded by Gerald's men. One by one, the remaining enemies were worn out by their numerous opponents and easily killed.

Gerald moved forward until he reached the foremost of his men, then he glanced towards the walls. He saw Edgar's men and his own men who were fighting on the walls climbing down the stairs and advancing towards the camp.

He roused the surrounding men and charged towards the rest of the camp as well. The first few tents and houses were deserted. The rest of the bandits had fallen back deeper into the camp.

As Gerald advanced from the middle and Edgar's men from the sides, they were met with what remained of the bandits.

However, those bandits walked towards the charging attackers dispiritedly and slowly dropped their weapons.

"We surrender!" a yell came from behind the bandits. A man of average height soon appeared, his voice sounding again, "we surrender, your lordship. If you promise to spare us, we won't resist you anymore."

"That's Luwin's other lieutenant," Robard said with a shocked expression.

Gerald was puzzled by the shock on the face of his head knight. But he soon saw something. A head, hanging by its hair in the hand of the lieutenant, its features bloody but discernable. "Is that . . .?"

Robard raised his visor and uncovered his face, slowly gulping. "Yes. That's Luwin's head."

Gerald saw his men slow down as the bandits surrendered. And Edgar's men halted their charge as well.

"This is Robben Luwin's head, your lordship," the lieutenant said, his voice resounding in the camp. "I gift it to you."