Arseno Keane Lover

Selva Arbeto, she is the lover of Arseno Keane. Selva is a beautiful woman. Selva works as a famous model around the world. Her face and body are very sexy and beautiful to make any man will be fascinated by her. Still, Selva is a very kind person and loves Arseno very much.

"Selva, Arseno called your cell phone earlier, but I didn't dare to accept the call," said Tania to Selva, who had just finished the photo shoot.

"Arseno? What's wrong? He doesn't usually call me at this hour," said Selva, who looked at the clock in the room, it was 22.00.

"He sent you a message, try to read it who knows it's important," said Tania.

Selva took her cellphone from Tania and immediately read the incoming message written from Arseno, Selva also replied.

[Okay, we'll meet tomorrow afternoon at your office] Selva replied.

"Okay, I want to go home first, Tan, it's late," said Selva.

"Selva," shouted Rafael.

"What's wrong? The shoot isn't over yet?" Selva asked.

"It's done. Let me take you home," said Rafael, who is Selva's friend and photographer.

"No need. I brought the car," said Selva.

"Come on, it's late, I'm worried about you," said Rafael.

"Your car is here, tomorrow I will deliver it to your house," said Rafael again.

"Selva, go home with Rafael. It's also late at night," said Tania.

"Okay," Selva said accepting Rafael's offer.


The next morning Selva woke up from her sleep but her body felt very sick. He remembers the events of last night but as a result he doesn't remember anything that happened to him last night.

"Why is my body so weak, what happened?" Selva muttered.

"Oh my God, I have an appointment with Arseno," said Selva looking at the clock showing 9 am.

Selva immediately stepped into the bathroom, but she felt a stinging sensation at the bottom for some reason.

"Aw, why does it hurt so much? It's not usually like this," Selva said in pain.

Selva also cleaned herself very slowly because of the pain she felt.

1 hour passed, Selva finally went to the company Keane Properti. Selva also took 1 hour, the car was already delivered by Rafael to his house at some point. Arriving there, Selva was immediately able to enter Arseno's room because Arseno himself had told the Corporate Secretary that Selva would come.

"Honey," said Selva, opening the door to the room that said CEO.

"Selva," said Arseno, who looked busy with the files on his desk.

"You are busy?" asked Selva who saw Arseno did not move from the file in front of him.

Getting a question from his girlfriend, Arseno, stopped his activities with the file.

"No dear, you are more important," said Arseno hugging his lover's body.

Selva smiled when she got the words from her lover's mouth.

"Let's sit on the couch!" asked Arseno who invited Selva to sit on the sofa in his room.

"Yes," said Selva.

Arseno and Selva walked towards the sofa, but Arseno saw Selva walking strangely.

"Selva, why do you seem to have difficulty walking?" asked Arseno.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to have my period so I'm in a bit of pain," said Selva.

"Okay," said Arseno.

"What's wrong Arseno? Why did you ask me to come to your office?" Selva asked as soon as she sat comfortably on the sofa in Arseno's room.

"Selva, are you still under a contract that doesn't allow marriage?" asked Arseno.

"Yes, dear, the contract is 2 years, so now it's still under contract, it seems like another 1.5 years," said Selva.

Arseno seemed speechless with Selva's answer.

"Honey, is there anything that makes you uncomfortable with my job?" Selva asked.

"Mama asked us to get married in 2 weeks," said Arseno.

"Married? In 2 weeks?" Selva asked.

"Yes," said Arseno.

"Unfortunately it's impossible, we've already discussed if I take a contract that doesn't allow marriage for 2 years," said Selva.

"Yes I know, but I have no other choice," said Arseno.

"It's all for my career, honey. I've always wanted to be a famous model and now I've achieved it, haven't I?" said Selva.

"I understand Selva, but Mama and Papa will set me up with another woman," said Arseno.

"What? Match you? With who?" said Selva who was surprised to hear her lover's words.

"Yes, obviously I don't know who Selva is, but Mama said that I should marry her. If I still want to be with you then Mama will give us 2 weeks to get married. And I'm sure it's impossible," said Arseno.

"Why is Mama so cruel? I've signed a contract and it can't be canceled. Besides, if it's canceled I have to pay a fine and my career will be ruined, honey," Selva said with teary eyes.

"I really understand Selva, I'm sorry but I can't go against Papa and Mama's decision," said Arseno.

"You still love me don't you? So what about our relationship?" Selva asked.

"I'm sorry if it hurts you Selva, we still have a relationship, besides I don't know and love that woman," said Arseno.

"What about your matchmaking with that woman?" Selva asked.

"I haven't decided anything yet, but I will try to refuse again, my heart is only for you, Selva, we have this relationship for 5 years, right? So how could my heart choose another woman besides you who is very beautiful," said Arseno.

"Thank you but promise to take care of your heart until we get married," said Selva.

"Yes I promise," said Arseno promised.

Arseno hugged Selva's waist and Selva leaned her head on Arseno's shoulder very affectionately.

Tok! Tok! Tok!

Someone knocked on the door of Arseno's room from outside.

"Come in," shouted Arseno.

Someone opened the door and went inside.

"Sir, Mrs. Diva and Mr. David are heading to your room," said Secretary Niko.

Niko is Arseno's personal secretary. Niko can be said to be Arseno's accomplice. Arseno's current success is thanks to the help of Secretary Niko.

"Really? Oh my God, don't let Papa and Mama see that Selva is here," said Arseno, surprised by Secretary Niko's words.

"Sir, let Miss Selva come with me to the kitchen first so as not to meet Mr and Mrs," said Secretary Niko, who again could be relied on by Arseno.

"Honey, you go to the kitchen for a while, wait until Papa and Mama come into my room, then you go straight home," said Arseno.

"Okay, see you later," said Selva who left Arseno.

'Selva why are you walking weird like that? Does her vagina hurt? But he has had his period often but it's not like that,' thought Arseno who was suspicious of his girlfriend.