Arranged Marriage

They are now all gathered in Mrs. Sri's room, including Jingga, Adisty and Mrs. Dwi and the other caretakers of the orphanage.

"I'm sorry for my son, Mrs. Sri," said Mrs. Diva directly.

"It's okay, madam. Instead we have to apologize to the ladies and gentlemen's family," said Mrs. Sri.

"No, it's natural for Ridho to be like that because he is still small," said Mrs. Diva.

"Come on, let's just make it a lesson so that in the future it doesn't happen like this. Arseno, Papa and Mama, I hope you don't do that to small children. Let's go straight to the point where we are here," said Mr. David.

"Yes sir. Oh yes, because today the caretaker of the orphanage is very complete, so I will introduce all of them to the madam and sir," said Mrs. Sri.

"This is Mrs. Dwi and this is Jingga and Adisty who are orphans but when they are adults they still live here to help take care of this orphanage," explained Mrs. Sri.

"Well, greetings to meet everyone. I am Diva and this is my husband David and my children Arseno and Yuriza," said Mrs. Diva.

"Mrs. Diva is the biggest donor to this orphanage for the past 5 years," said Mrs. Sri.

"Yes, that's right. We are the biggest donors, I hope that in the future you will be able to work for this orphanage sincerely and of course form a good character for the children even though you are not their biological parents," said Mrs. Diva.

"Yes, Mrs. Diva," said everyone.

"Okay, Adisty you can leave here," said Mrs. Sri who asked Adisty to come out.

Adisty immediately rushed out of the room.

"Jingga you stay here," said Mrs. Sri when she saw Jingga about to leave.

'I'm here? What is it? Do you still want to talk about this problem? Wasn't it already done by Mr David earlier?' Jingga thought.

'What? Ji ... ' thought Arseno. Immediately, Arseno's head hurt when he heard Jingga's name.

"Brother Arseno are you okay?" whispered Yuriza who saw her sister holding her head.

"No," said Arseno.

'Why does my head hurt to hear the name Jingga? Who's he?' Arseno thought.

"Yes, Mrs. Sri, what's wrong?" asked Jingga.

"Sit down, son," said Mrs. Diva.

"Mrs. Diva will tell you something," said Mrs. Sri.


'Oh my God did I do something wrong?' Jingga thought.

"Just take it easy," said Mrs. Diva. Of course Mrs. Diva said that because she saw Jingga tensed up against Mrs. Diva.

"Yes, Mrs. Diva," said Jingga.

"Orange how old are you now?" asked Mrs. Diva.

"20 Years Mrs. Diva," answered Orange.

"Have you known my son before?" asked Mrs. Diva.

"Yes madam, Miss Yuriza often goes to the boutique to buy clothes," said Jingga.

"Not Yuriza, but Arseno, Jingga," said Mrs. Diva.

"Mr. Arseno? I just met him in person, Mrs. Diva. I've never met him before," said Jingga.

"So this is Jingga and Arseno, we plan to match the two of you together," said Mrs. Diva, suddenly making Jingga surprised.

"Betrothed to Mr. Arseno? Mrs. Diva is not wrong?" asked Jingga surprised.

'So she's the woman? She's beautiful but not to my taste, her small body is far from sexy my lover, Selva,' thought Arseno.

"It's not wrong Jingga, we really want to make you our son-in-law," said Mrs. Diva.

"Mrs. DIva, but I don't have anything, I'm just an orphan living with both parents and my income is not much," said Jingga.

'He's an orphan? Why did Mama give me an orphan girl? It is clear that Selva is more attractive,' thought Arseno again.

"It doesn't matter Jingga, we are not people who look at someone from the economy, having a daughter-in-law like you is not difficult," said Mrs. Diva.

"Jingga, Mrs. Diva and Mr. David really want you to be their son-in-law, they see you as good and worthy of Young Master Arseno, I hope you can accept this matchmaking," said Mrs. Dwi.

"Why does it have to be Jingga? There is Adisty who is not more beautiful and kinder than Jingga. Really, Jingga doesn't have the power to be side by side with Mr. Arseno," said Jingga who felt bad.

"We chose you because you are destined for our child, we believe you are the best and can understand Arseno well," said Mrs. Diva.

'Mr Arseno? He's handsome, but this man doesn't have a patient soul and is very angry, I really don't like it,' Jingga thought.

"Arseno why are you silent? How about it? This is Jingga that we will match to you, you must agree, because this woman is very beautiful and kind," said Mrs. Diva.

"It's up to Mama and Papa," said Arseno who immediately left Mrs. Sri's room.

'Oh my God, Mister Arseno definitely doesn't accept this matchmaking, then what should I do?' Jingga thought.

"So how?" asked Mrs. Diva.

"Does Mr. Arseno agree with this match, Mrs. Diva?" asked Jingga.

Mrs. Diva seemed to take a deep breath.

'I knew for sure Mr. Arseno would not agree with this decision,' thought Jingga again.

"Jingga, indeed Arseno does not agree, but we really want you to be together, so we beg you to accept this matchmaking," said Mrs. Diva.

"What if Mr. Arseno still refuses?" asked Jingga.

"We will give you time, Jingga. We will give you time together until the wedding day," said Mr. David, who had been silent all this time.

"Okay sir, I ask for time to think about it," said Jingga.

"Then we say goodbye to go home, well, later we will contact you, Jingga," said Mrs. Diva.

"Okay, Mrs. Diva," said Jingga.

"Aren't you going to eat first, Mrs Diva?" asked Mrs. Dwi.

"No, ma'am, it looks like Arseno is waiting out there, later we will come back here, I apologize for the inconvenience that Arseno did," said Mrs. Diva.

"No problem madam, thank you for visiting," said Mrs. Sri.

Mrs. Diva immediately walked outside followed by Mr. David and Yuriza.

'It feels a little strange and like in novels, you are matched with a handsome and rich man,' thought Jingga, who smiled to himself.

Mrs. Sri, Mrs. Dwi and Jingga escorted Mrs. Diva, Mr. David and Yuriza to the car.

Jingga saw Arseno who looked at him with a questioning look.

'That face, why do I feel like I've seen it before? But where? Why does my heart tremble when he looks at me,' thought Arseno.

'Why is Mister Arseno such a fluster? Could he really fall in love with me so soon?' Jingga thought.

'Oh God, I hope my decision is right by matching Arseno with the child of the person who was hit by him, I hope this is the best way, not the other way around,' thought Mrs. Diva who saw Arseno and Jingga looking at each other.