Arseno Lost Jingga

"You don't have to worry about my wife," said Arseno.

"Okay Mr. Arseno, I'm sorry," replied Secretary Niko.

Arseno fell silent again.

"Jingga's life is Jingga's life, and mine is my life, we are husband and wife but we don't care about other people's lives," said Arseno.

'It's not a matter of managing life, it's about humanity. Don't you have sympathy when you know your wife is in the rain?' Secretary Niko thought.

The journey took 1 hour, until the car had brought Arseno to the apartment.

"Go home, Secretary Niko," said Arseno.

"Yes, Mr. Arseno," said Secretary Niko.

Arseno immediately stepped into his apartment. Arseno realized that if Jingga didn't have access to the apartment, then how did he get in?

Arseno quickened his pace as he imagined Jingga waiting in front of the apartment. However, Arseno's steps slowed when he didn't find anyone in front of his apartment.

Then where is Jingga? Arseno thought.

"Is he not home yet? Why is he coming home so late?" Arseno said.

Arseno entered the apartment, it was pitch black like no one at all. Arseno opened Jingga's room, trying to find someone who had slept with him last night, but there was absolutely no sign of anyone there.

"What kind of wife is she? What's good? Even her husband doesn't come home," Arseno chuckled annoyed.

Arseno immediately stepped into his room to clean his body.

Hours passed, now at exactly 8 pm Arseno descended the stairs of his apartment, there was no sign at all that Jingga had gone home.

Arseno was confused, he didn't know where to call because he didn't have Jingga's cell phone number.

"Is he cheating?" Arseno's mind was already imagining Jingga's bad behavior.

"Never mind, he's not important." Arseno ordered food online without thinking about Jingga anymore. He returned to being engrossed in watching action films.

An hour passed, Jingga really didn't come home. Arseno stared at the glass in silence which showed such a large drop of rain.

"Jingga, where are you? Why do I have a bad feeling like this?" Arseno said.

"What if something happened to Jingga? Or what if there was a bad man who hurt Jingga even ..." Arseno's words stopped when he imagined something bad would happen to Jingga.

Arseno immediately took his cell phone and called Secretary Niko. However, several times the phone call was not answered at all by Secretary Niko.

'Shit, where is he?' Arseno thought, still trying to call Secretary Niko.

Until the tenth call, Secretary Niko finally picked up the phone from Arseno.

"Hello, good evening, Mr. Arseno. Can I help you?" said Secretary Niko on the other side.

"Are you asking to be fired, Secretary Niko? How come you made me call you ten times?" scorned Arseno.

"Sorry sir, I just took a shower. Can I help you sir?" asked Secretary Niko.

"Niko, quickly ask people to look for Orange," Arseno ordered.

Secretary Niko immediately frowned as if he didn't understand Arseno.

'Looking for Miss Orange? What does it mean? It's already 9 pm. Could it be that they had a fight and Miss Orange ran away?' Secretary Niko thought.

"Where is Miss Jingga, Mr. Arseno?" asked Secretary Niko.

"If I knew where Jingga was, I wouldn't have asked you to look for him," Arseno scorned again.

"You mean why did Miss Jingga leave the apartment? So, I can find her easily, sir," explained Secretary Niko.

"I don't know but Jingga has never been home since a long time ago," explained Arseno.

Secretary Niko frowned.

'Didn't Mr. Arseno already arrive at the apartment at 6 o'clock? Why only realized his wife didn't come home after 9 pm,' thought Secretary Niko.

"Secretary Niko, did you hear what I said? Why are you being so quiet!" Arseno snapped.

"Oh well sir, I'll have someone look for Miss Jingga, or do you have her cell phone number? Let us track her down," Secretary Niko thought.

Arseno was silent, as if he was embarrassed to say it if he didn't have his wife's cell phone number.

"Secretary Niko, you know that our marriage is not based on mutual love? So, how can I keep the number!" Arseno's excuse.

'What does love have to do with a cell phone number? Cell phone numbers are used to call, after all, if this is the case, who will be bothered? Surely me too,' Secretary Niko thought.

"Never mind, you look for it and I want Jingga to be brought to the apartment in one piece." Arseno immediately turned off his cell phone.

Arseno immediately held his head which felt very painful.

"If Mama and Papa find out if Jingga doesn't come home, I can guarantee that Mama will be furious." Arseno pictured Mrs. Diva's angry face which instantly turned into a lion about to pounce on its prey.

Arseno was silent, there was a very deep feeling of worry in his heart. Not only worried that Mrs. Diva would be angry, but Arseno was also worried if something happened to Jingga. However, currently Jingga is his wife, despite Arseno's refusal.

"Does Mama have Jingga's cell phone number? There should be, but I can't contact Mama. Mama can tell if Jingga doesn't come home. Shall I call Yuriza?" Arseno immediately pressed a cell phone call to Yuriza.

It didn't take long, now the phone call has been connected.

"Hello Brother, did you miss me?" Yuriza joked.

"Yuri, you don't want to joke," said Arseno seriously.

"What's wrong, Brother?" Yuriza asked.

"Do you have Jingga's cell phone number?" asked Arseno.

"Brother, obviously I don't have one. Her husband is Brother, then why did you ask me for Sis Jingga's number? Why don't you just ask? Or do you guys split up?" Yuriza asked.

"No, Yuriza isn't like that. Jingga hasn't come home yet, Big Brother is worried that something's wrong with him," explained Arseno.

"What?" Yuriza shouted.

Hearing Yuriza's scream suddenly made Arseno keep the phone away from his ear for a few seconds.

"Are you crazy, why are you shouting like that?" Arseno snapped.

"Brother, why isn't Sis Jingga home yet? Did you throw him out? If you kicked him out, why didn't you say Yuriza? Yuriza could pick up Sis Jingga and live in the mansion," said Yuriza, panicking.

"Hey, I'm not that bad, what do you think I am, huh? Of course I didn't kick him out, Jingga left since morning and hasn't come back until now," explained Arseno.

"Brother, why didn't you search earlier? It's raining heavily, what if Sis Jingga..." Yuriza's words were cut short.

"Stop what you're saying, never mind if you don't have the number it's okay," said Arseno.

"I don't have a personal number, but the boutique number is there. Maybe Sis Jingga has the boutique number, so you can call," Yuriza said.

"Okay, send the number right away," said Arseno.

"Okay Brother Arseno," Yuriza replied.

"Yuriza, please don't let Mama and Papa know everything," Arseno reminded Yuriza.

"Papa and Mama are leaving, Sis. They said they wanted to go to a friend's house but haven't come home yet," said Yuriza.

"That's good then, then you go to sleep," Arseno immediately ended the phone call with his sister.
