Who's He?

3 days passed, today Jingga already looks very good from the previous days. 3 days, Jingga was only in the room, not allowed to work at all. Even Mrs. Diva asked a maid to stay at Arseno's apartment to help Jingga clean the apartment.

Immediately, Arseno was annoyed when he found out that his parents asked a servant to stay in his apartment. That means Arseno can't prank Jingga, even though Arseno's original intention was to make Jingga not feel at home in the apartment by telling him to work cleaning the apartment.

This morning Jingga and Arseno had breakfast together in the apartment. There was absolutely no conversation between the two of them. Only the clinking of spoons and plates could be heard so loud.

"Mr. Arseno and Miss Jingga, this is the drink," said the waitress named Bi Ati who is very good at cooking.

"Thank you, Bi Ati," said Jingga kindly.

Bi Ati immediately left Jingga and Arseno to go back to eating their breakfast.