Can't Be Avoided

Letting go or fighting, is a very tough decision. How not, Arseno just wanted to fight to get Jingga back, but fate didn't seem to approve of it.

Very strongly, Bu Dwi opposed Arseno and Jingga's relationship again. There's nothing wrong with that, Bu Dwi just wants to save Jingga's heart, not because she doesn't love him, on the contrary, Bu Dwi loves Jingga so much that he can't stand if he sees someone hurting him.

"Mr. Arseno, I don't mean to be rude to the Keane family. I also approve of your marriage, but I can't see Jingga in sadness if he continues his marriage with you. I'm worried that Jingga can't be happy again," said Mrs. Dwi.

'Do we really have to divorce? Is this the best way and solution for us?' Arseno thought.