Honeymoon Part 1

"I am your friend, like a friend who takes care of his own friend," said Jingga.

"You're exaggerating. He just wants to change my dress. Not to talk about feelings!"

Jingga was silent hearing Adisty's words.

'Yes, Adisty is only discussing dresses. Why am I overreacting like this?' Jingga thought.

"Jingga, you know me right? I don't easily fall in love with other people. After all, Mr. Ayden is very rich, right? CEO of a famous company, I don't think it's possible for me to put my heart on someone I can't reach."

Jingga is still silent, as if confirming Adisty's words, which are true.

"Okay, I hope you are more careful even if it's just a matter of dress," said Jingga.

"Yeah calm down, I can take care of myself."

"Good. Oh yeah, for tonight I'm sleeping with Mr. Arseno. Is that all right?"

"Of course it's okay. You're his wife, I don't have the right to stop her Jingga."

"I hope you're not angry."