Will Be Happy!

Who is not destroyed when a woman who is desperately guarding her chastity, is even destroyed for a moment by someone who is completely unknown to her.

Yes, this is an act that does not deserve to be imitated. Moreover, it can cause a pregnancy that will make the woman suffer. If a man wants to be responsible then it doesn't matter, but sometimes a man just wants to take what is valuable without being held accountable for his treatment.

"Yes Sis. May we always be in the protection of Allah. Cheer up Sis Selva. I am sure that there will be happy days later."

Yuriza gave the biggest smile as if to provoke Selva to smile along with Yuriza.

Selva, who was provoked by that smile, immediately gave a smile even though it was clear that the smile was a forced smile created by Selva.

It doesn't matter, the important thing is that there is a little smile to cheer up Selva.