Adisty Will Be Known

"So you're really going, aren't you?" asked Jingga again.

"Yeah, I'm going too. Where are you going?"

"Bali. Do you like it?"

"What? Bali? Are you serious? Are you kidding me? I really want to go to Bali."

"Did I ever joke about something like this? I don't think I'm joking anymore, Adisty."

"Jingga, I'm really happy if we go to Bali."

"Yes, Mas Arseo chose that place because he thought it was suitable for a honeymoon and also you can have a relaxing family vacation there."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? If you did, I wouldn't have to think too long to decide whether to join or not, because I definitely did."

Jingga chuckled at Adisty's words.

"You are selling very expensive Adisty, just say if you want to come, without further ado like this."

"I thought it was only around this town."

"No way, Mas Arseno has prepared the best honeymoon place. So, I can confirm that the place will be special."