Will Know The Truth Soon!

Arseno walked limply out of the main mansion. He got no answer from his parents. Still sticking to the secrecy that clearly Arseno could see something was wrong, which was still being hidden, as if Arseno didn't deserve to know everything.

Arseno was silent, right beside the car. Don't get into the car. He was still silent, trying to think, where should he find out. Her sister and her parents now seem to be keeping their mouths shut.

However, Arseno is not a fool who can fully believe the words of Mrs. Diva and Mr. David. He has a strong feeling on the connection between his accident and Jingga's parents.

'Where should I look?' Arseno thought.

"Master, where are we going now?" asked Secretary Niko.

"Just go first," Arseno got into the car.

He certainly doesn't know, where else to find out. The only people who know about the accident are the closest people. Remember, the accident was very secret from anyone.