Have lunch

Arseno is still widening his eyes to every corner of Jingga's boutique. However, he never found the item he had bought just for the Ga Adis boutique.

'How can he show his innocent face and seem innocent at all? Oh God, why is my husband like this? Romance is romantic because you buy clothes for the boutique, but if this happens, I'm the one who's dizzy, right? The amount that Mas Arseno bought is not comparable to the size of my boutique,' Jingga thought.

"Ma'am," said Jingga.

"Honey, where did you put the thing I gave you?" asked Arseno.

"Mas, you are really being outrageous, aren't you. How can you do all this? My boutique is not a big boutique, so how can it accommodate as many things as you buy. And also Mas, look at me when I just finished buying new clothes."

"Honey, I don't know if there's a lot of new stuff here. I just want to please you."