Romance Back?

'At least they're back in the same house. There's no need to worry too much, Yuriza. Brother Arseno and Sis Jingga will be together forever,' Yuriza thought.

That's what Yuriza wants, huh, who doesn't want her own sister's happiness. Even though Yuriza knew that what Jingga felt was not as easy as she imagined.

Now Arseno, Jingga and Yuriza have entered Arseno's luxury car. Arseno immediately drove his car to his house with Jingga.

The journey was a bit long because traffic jams were everywhere, until finally two hours had passed by traveling from the hospital to his house. The car that Arseno was driving has now entered his house. Immediately, Arseno held Jingga who got out of his car.

"Mas, I'm pregnant, it's not my leg that's injured," said Jingga who felt that Arseno's attitude was too much.