Slowly Forgetting

"No problem. You have a lot of time, Jingga. Enjoy your time and never make decisions when you are emotional or sad. One more thing, you have to remember your baby in the womb. Make sure he is not depressed at all," said Adisty again. .

The warning given by Adisty, of course, was accepted by Jingga.

"Thank you Adisty. I'll try to calm you down. So do you. You also have to slowly decide who will be your companion."

"Calm down Jingga, I will decide the best. We will soon be happy with the right choice. There are no tears from our eyes. Do you understand?"


Jingga and Adisty immediately laughed together. All the problems between them had now been very well resolved.

"I'm sorry, Jingga. I had disappointed you because I kept everything a secret."