Have You Forgiven Me?

Day after day just passed, Arseno and Jingga's relationship can still be said to be like a relationship in general. Yes, Arseno always takes care of Jingga as well as Jingga who always obeys him.

Can you say as a couple in general, right?

Slowly, Arseno saw for himself that Jingga's attitude was a little more open to him. Arseno could conclude that Jingga had forgiven him. Yes, Jingga's attitude does describe all of that.

Tonight, Jingga and Arseno returned to their room after having dinner together. Jingga is still as usual, serving Arseno when Arseno wants a husband and wife relationship with him.

Yes, Jingga tries to lighten the mood, it must be done for the fetus in her womb. I don't know what Jingga is feeling right now. What is certain is that the child must be healthy until delivery later.

Put aside her ego, and do it like a pregnant woman. That's what was in the mind of Jingga.