Doing Sincerely

"I forgive you and I also forgive others with all my heart. The past will never go away forever. I hope you know that! But, we can fix things, can't we? this fact."

"Jingga. I don't know what to say? But for sure, I'm very happy because you have forgiven me."

Jingga smiled at Arseno. "I'm sorry, sir."

"No need to apologize again and again dear. You didn't do anything wrong. I was at fault for the accident, you are in a difficult position."

"It's God's destiny, Mas Arseno. We can't even fight it because all we can do is accept it."

Arseno stroked Jingga's cheek, it had been a long time since he had touched Jingga in such a sincere state. Usually, Jingga doesn't forbid but Arseno knows if Jingga objected. However, this time Jingga received Arseno's touch, not showing any hatred at all.

"Thank you, honey. I love you."

"I love you too, Mas. Never leave me and our children because we will always need Mas Arseno always."