Boutique Moving Plan

The age of nine months of pregnancy does not mean to dampen Jingga's enthusiasm to leave the house. Just like before, Jingga still likes to go to boutiques and see the scenery outside the house.

For Jingga, mostly staying at home will create a messy mood and also unstable emotions. So, it's better for Jingga to leave the house even if it's only for a moment. That's better than nothing.

The trip didn't take too long. An hour has passed, Jingga has now entered the boutique parking lot. It's already seen that the boutique door is slightly open even though it's still written closed on the door. That means someone is already inside. Maybe Adisty because Adisty was already delivered by Secretary Niko.


The boutique door opened. Jingga immediately widened his eyes, looking in all directions and corners of the boutique. Sure enough, Jingga could immediately see Adisty and the three boutique employees. They seem to be chatting or meeting together.