Launch Baby

Not only Jingga who was uncomfortable with Mrs. Diva's anger. Likewise with Mr. David. Mr. David looked at Jingga who was feeling uncomfortable with Mrs. Diva's chatter, making Mr. David speak up. It couldn't be helped because Mrs. Diva had no plans to stop her speech.

"Ma, never mind. I feel sorry for Jingga. Mama, try to see Jingga is enduring the pain. Mama should have calmed Jingga, not scolding Arseno who is not here," said Mr. David.

"Papa is right. Jingga forgive Mama, because Mama has made Jingga even more dizzy."

"It's okay, Ma," answered Jingga.

Mrs. Diva stroked Jingga's hair slowly while stroking her stomach which now felt very painful.

"Honey, it must be very painful huh?" asked Mrs. Diva.

"Yes, Ma," answered Jingga curtly.

"Madam, we will prepare the delivery room. For the time being, the Keane family can occupy the break room while waiting for Miss Jingga to give birth."
