Elektra opened her groggy eyes and looked around the beautiful bedroom she had been sleeping in for seven weeks now. She threw off the bed covers and climbed down the queen-sized bed Kasper had put for her.

This room was decorated beautifully and anyone could tell that a lot of attention was put into it. Elektra chuckled as she made her way to the bathroom when she thought of how she ended up living in this house.

Elektra grew up in a small town called Snowbush, it was a place where she lived for three years, attended high school, and all that. After passing her college entrance exams, Elektra left the small town for somewhere bigger, Vrak.

She had always had a dream and that was to attend that well-known University in Vrak, however, her results weren’t that superb so in the end, she applied to study history.

Was history interesting? Hell, no, it wasn’t but it was better than to attend a different university she didn’t want. So, Elektra, a rich little miss, decided to live in Vrak with her aunt and uncle as their family was just that of the three.

Elektra had enough money to last her a lifetime as long as she doesn’t spend millions daily. It was more of inheritance as her aunt and uncle were responsible for her welfare and security.

Elektra was an orphan and as for her parents, that is something that she wasn’t willing to talk about or discuss. Elektra found a beautiful apartment in a rich people's complex to live in while she goes to university and also in the future as long as she didn’t move out of Vrak. Elektra’s life wasn’t that peaceful, but this was something that she was used to from a young age.

Elektra had a disease that if she were to tell others, they would think that she was just showing off but it wasn’t her fault. Elektra opened the hot water faucet and watched as the water fill in the tub.

Tired of watching this boring action, she made her way to the bathroom sink where she picked her electric toothbrush and put the toothpaste on top. She put the toothbrush in her mouth and began to burhs her teeth.

As she looked at the small face in the mirror, Elektra couldn’t help but smile as she thought of how much trouble she still got into every time she takes a step out of the house.

Elektra was just too beautiful for her own good, walking around with a bare face was something she wasn’t courageous to do. She hated being looked at especially by those lecherous eyes who wanted nothing except to just sleep with her.

Elektra had these beautiful blue eyes that were like an ocean and could sink anyone in. her hair wasn’t black, brown, blonde, brunette, or any other colors people were used to.

Elektra was very special as her hair was silver and anyone who looked at her, would get enamored by the sight. This wasn’t what made her a scene wherever she went, Elektra had this strange birthmark on her forehead, in form of a black flame and it was just too eye-catching.

This forced Elektra who didn’t have any abilities to make her face look normal, to wear a veil and enjoy adorning jewelry a lot. Since the veil couldn’t hide her forehead flame, Elektra had to adorn a forehead or head jewelry to cover it up.

Even with a veil on, she was simply too beautiful which was a problem again. Elektra was here in this house because Kasper who had not yet seen her real face saw her in a veil and he was entranced.

Elektra first met Anisha who plagued her like a leech and refused to let go of her. because Anisha would bother her whenever she had time, Kasper the loving dad, investigated her, took a great liking to her, and coldly made a proposal which she turned down ruthlessly as she didn’t like being taken lightly by anyone. But who knew that Kasper was a lawless man?

Kasper abducted her only guardians and used them to threaten her or blackmail her to be with him. It was the most hilarious thing that had ever happened to her but she knew that if she did something rashly, her guardians will suffer.

In the end, for the sake of Anisha who she really liked, Elektra walked into that beautiful mansion to be Kasper’s woman. When he was tired of her, he will let her go, and besides when she was no longer willing, if she wanted to leave, who was capable of stopping her?

Elektra had been in this house for weeks and yet not even once had Kasper forced her to remove her veil. He had not done anything to her guardians which was a good thing.

Her uncle, Barry was now working as a security instructor for Kasper and receiving his dues which Elektra didn’t mind. As for her aunt, Miley, she was now her chief maid or assistant as she was still in charge of taking care of her.

Of course, she wasn’t a fool to not notice why Kasper made her uncle Barry work for him. He was just leverage and knowing how much Elektra loved those two, Kasper knew that Elektra will not run away from him.

Kasper was a gentleman, he gave her a room to sleep in, money to spend, and freedom mostly as she could go anywhere as long as his men were there to protect her or should we say keep an eye on her.

The man had not touched her, the only intimate things they did was just hug and occasional forehead kisses and it didn’t go further than that. Elektra was infuriated with this as she was an adult and didn’t mind enjoying the pleasures of the flesh.

Anyway, one day she was going to entice him, seduce him, and make him unable to leave her in the future. The other probably didn’t love her, he was just curious but the future was uncertain so she was going to wait.

When she was done brushing her teeth, she walked naked to the tub; she closed the hot tap and opened the cold tap to cool the hot water. when the water was at the right temperature, she disrobed and slide her body into the tub.

She closed her eyes as she let the water massage her body soothingly, her silver hair was floating in the tub and she looked like a goddess. But if one were to look very closely in the tub, they would see something very disturbing that they will start to wonder whether everything they knew about Elektra was all to it.