Ian’s men didn’t play around and quickly did what they were told and new information was placed on Ian’s desk.

The more he read the reports the more he found everything to be suspicious but none of his suspicions could be proved until he sits with Pearl and Robert to find out where they got their evidence from.

After finding out who Kasper Murray was, Ian nearly fainted. To think that he had sat down with such a mogul and angered him, he wondered when his company will go bankrupt?

And to prepare for the worst, Ian spent the whole night improvising and creating some plans that won’t make all the whole hard work shatter with just an instruction from the Murrays.

To think that the Murrays were part of the great top eight families of Vrak, Ian knew that he had to take this seriously otherwise the consequences will be dire. The question he had been asking himself of the person so daring to blackmail and threaten him was answered and he couldn’t do anything about it.