Eve who liked Juanita a lot had been busy cooking up a scheme but she didn’t want to be a forward person so she decided to investigate Juanita first and wait for the right time to meet the other.
One way or the other, Eve was going to make Juanita her daughter-in-law. She was the perfect candidate for her youngest son, who really cares about the age gap anyway?
On Juanita’s side, she was busy living her life normally and resumed her Mystic business. At the same time, she had been busy looking for a nearby farm she could rent or buy with her money.
One day someone was going to become curious and suspicious and she didn’t want to face any problems later on. So, while she waited to have her second detoxification and meet her family, she was busy searching for a plot of land to make her farm.
After two weeks of hard work, Juan finally found a farm that was cheap and affordable. Juan met the owner who was selling the farm and sealed the deal with him.