Chapter 25 At Home

"she will arrive today, yes?" Patrice asked the butler. They were waiting for Wren in front of the Door.

"Yes, my lady"

"For sure she had lots of fun at the festival." Yessenia pouts and looks away from them. She sulks at the fact that her cousin stayed there and attended the festival that Anne once told her.

She wants to attend the festival mainly because of the dress-up theme. Not in their knowledge that Wren once again encountered a commotion in that Festival. Not that she will tell them specially her father.

"it is a festival, sister. It will be weird if she feels sad after attending it." Azi countered what Yessenia said in a sleepy voice. She gritted her teeth because her brother doesn't understand what she meant.

"Well, aren't you sleepy?" Astreia asks and yawned. They all wake up so early in the morning that they feel sleepy.

"Uncle says she had her unique magic," Laxus opened the topic, Caesar who was with them did not talk.

he knows these twins only come back if they find something amusing to them and what amuses them right now is Wren. After all, she had unique magic at such a young age.

'I knew these idiots had a hidden agenda in coming home early' Yessenia said in her mind as she rolled her eyes at them.

"It's still unknown what her unique magic is. We haven't heard what it is called," added Laxus as he sat down on the stairs. Meanwhile Lexus leaned on the wall while staring at Caesar. He also had his Unique Magic at the age of three. Though it was a secret for most of the people in the Duchy.

"..." But there's a troubled look painted on his face,

Caesar is aware of Lexus' gaze, he obviously brushed it off. Yessenia shouted, "Where is she anyway?"

"Sister can you please not shout?"

the siblings began to bicker. Patrice who was with them suddenly creases her brow and looks at the children and remembered Mavis.

"If you are not going to be quiet, I will put you all in the attic."

with that threat the children zip their mouths. The Vacarella estate was a large building. The Main building, which the head resides there with his family. Meanwhile, in the Northwest part is sometimes occupied by Mavis and Patrice and lastly, the eastern wherein their other two siblings reside.

"mom has no patience," Lexus said and he started to look in front.

he heard hooves clacking on the cemented ground as well as sighting a carriage with the emblem of Rosean Peacocks which symbolises the Aurea.

"Wreeenn..." the enthusiasm Yessenia showed immediately disappeared as she saw someone get out the carriage with Wren, an unfamiliar face for them as she have those flash bangles in her wrists and ankle. Boaife of course thought that the children were all in awe with her beauty.

Azi and Astreia lean closer to Caesar and ask, "Brother who is that woman?"

"her clothes are different. Is she from another Kingdom?"

Boaife, the said unfamiliar lady to their eyes stretches her arms and breathed the fresh air. After being stuck on the carriage again made her sick and uncomfortable.

the twins poke their heads as they stare at Boaife. Both of the children are curious about her and Wren waved her hands while Cervi was behind her.

Boaife notice Lexus behind Caesar. She felt weird but it may be because she had car sickness for a long time.

"eh... let's get inside Wren," Patrice said and let all the kids get inside the door. They couldn't wait to ask Wren about Boaife.

The knights who escorted her will rest for one day and return back. Caesar who was silent came close to Wren with a question in mind.

"who is she?" he asked, "Boaife, my fire-spirit"

"And that knight following you?" The knight she was with has been emitting an aura that Caesar can sense. He had guess but it would be better to let Wren confirm it.

Wren glanced over Cervi and answered, "A spirit. I made a contract with him not too long ago"

"As expected, what Attribute does he have?"

as expected of her brother to figure it all out in just small information. Then again, people who know about spirit are in small numbers.

"Cervi is an air spirit. He will become my personal knight,"

"that's good," she kind of expected that he will be surprised that she said it without thinking that Cervi is a knight of Aurea

Caesar who noticed her confusion soon smiled and patted her head, "do what you want, father will handle the aftermath,"

This is a very Caesar-like thing to say that she wasn't surprised anymore. Besides she also liked his brother's plans.

"A summoner huh," Lexus appeared on her left side then a weird accent spoke behind her, "She can use spirits, i see i see"

She forgot that the twins were also here. Lexus even talked first with the look saying he was interested with what we are discussing about.

"... yes" although it is not in her plan to reveal it to the twins, but seeing how they sneak behind them has changed it.

besides that, she can assure that they will not blabber it to anyone.

Wren wouldn't want the 1st prince to find out about her unique magic for one reason. That is to avoid his brother, Prince Zairon. Whenever Prince Asterion is he will drag Zairon with him.

"whoa, cool." Laxus exclaimed then looked at Boaife. She flinched as she felt something ominous emitting from the looks Lexus gives off. Somehow even the high and prideful spirit felt shivers.

"w-what...?" she stuttered which made Laxus grin widely as he nudged his twin brother who was looking at Cervi.

'this guy... I never thought that he was a spirit'

he was too focused staring at Cervi that he isn't aware that his cousins left him there, even Laxus forceful shake did not make Lexus aware of his surroundings that he gave up.

they really are related to each other, Cervi who just remembered his master after seeing how Lexus stares at him.

"Young master, is there something you want to ask?"

"how old are you in human years?" Cervi who hasn't once thought of his age as people rarely asks his age.

people around him just assumed that he was at least 17 years in human age because of height and was too lazy to change his form. But to be honest his human age is...

"10." Lexus blinks at him and tilts his head, disbelief is written in his face. Surely it was a joke. No matter if he is a spirit, by that height and his age doesn't match. He waved their hands in front of him and asked once again.

"it was the truth," he said nonchalantly. Like it was a natural thing which convinces him with the logic that, eyes like his do not lie to others.

Lexus then had a hunch that Wren wasn't aware of Cervi's age. He had an idea pop into his head, he instantly vanishes to find Laxus. Cervi finds this weird as he walks away and rests outside.

His master told him that she will make him her personal knight, he forgot to tell her that he has not yet been officially knighted. He never thought of these things in the past.

Well, he thinks that the lady and his brother will take care of it.


"look how our maids spoil Cervi"

I saw Cervi eating well the foods given to him by the maids in the garden. Good thing that he can adapt easily. I thought he would need help.

"mother and our sister is waiting for us. Let's hurry."

oh, right! mother is still weak and needs to rest. As for my little sister, this is the time I can see her. Besides that Yessenia and others also haven't met her.

"well, we were forbidden to visit the baby because she is weak."

The baby does have fragile skin and all. Besides that she was born after the drought. There were illnesses around, anyway, it looks like it is fine if we visit them today.

"I wonder what our sister's name is"

Astreia wonders as she looks at us, "our names are hard to pronounce," she recited our names, especially her name.

"haiz..." she gave up after biting her lip which made Caesar chuckle.

it is funny indeed how hard she tries pronouncing her name. If I remember correctly she was named like that because of Stars. Me and Caesar I do not have an idea.

"this..." suddenly I am being lifted in the air and the hallway seems to be smaller and it is because Laxus put me on his shoulders and ran full speed ahead. I already knew it because he did it to me once. Not surprising anymore.

"Slow down Laxus," my brother said, but knowing Laxus he does not listen to anyone that it makes so badly. I'm so used to it that I don't want to complain anymore.

"I did not know that the young miss had arrived." When we slow down the hall, we bump into Jemina, holding a baby bottle with milk on it.

she noticed where my gaze and she chuckled softly, "do you want to see your sister, young miss?"

I nod, she was supposed to be two months old. I wonder who she takes after.

"refrain from running on the hall. You may get yourself in trouble" Caesar caught up to us and heave a sigh before entering the room with Jemina.

"I guess Wren has returned? The mansion suddenly became noisy,"

"even in Wren's absence the mansion is in chaos because of the twins," Caesar said despite that Laxus is with us.

Mother is always the same, but is it because she just gave birth that she looks like she's sick?

"Oh my, even Yessenia and the others are here," mother said and stood up with her simple, loose, white dress.

she then goes over the crib and gestures us to come over, but quietly.

"she looks like the Duke," Yessenia said

"indeed, she got father's nose," Caesar seconded, followed by Laxus saying, "she really does resemble Uncle."

really, Caesar is enough to be my father's duplicate...

"Brother really made another him. Just looking at the baby reminds me of our childhood."

just when Aunt Patrice is here? Look at how they swamp the baby.

"your sister..."

I glared at Boaife. Obviously, I do not want to hear it anymore. I admit it, my sister inherited the black hair and the purple eyes. Besides that she really does look like father especially how she stares at us.


it seems that we woken her up as how bad she squints her eyes at us, shifting her gaze from one another to another. The baby is giving us the deadliest glare she could give us.

"did the baby drink her milk?" Azi asked

meanwhile, Astreia holds her hand from the crib and smiles. She loves it already.

"Not yet, young master," Jemina said, "she stares at us like she was going to eat us"

"you just said he looks like the duke,"

"I did not expect that what I feel from my Uncle is what I'm going to feel with this k..." he became silent all of the sudden after he looked at us.

"never mind."

all of a sudden the baby cried loudly, "I... I didn't do anything"

"It cried..." how come Azi and Astreia slumped down with such a gloomy mood surrounding them?

"here." Boaife then throws something in the air.

a ball of fire then suddenly transformed into animals dancing as it circled in the air. My little sister was so entertained by it that it stopped crying, she followed the light then clapped her little hands.

"quick thinking," Boaife heard my brother's compliments for her and because of it she's smirking off.

"whoa!" even Astreia and Azi suddenly move closer to watch the show.

mother then said, "you did well."

I smiled. It looks like she knows what my unique magic was after all. All of the sudden, I remembered that till now we still do not know what her name is!

"mom, what is her name?"

she smiled as she fondly touched my sister's cheek and told us the name they picked for her.

"Joelle Vacarella."

Joelle has the meaning of blessings and miracles. It suits her since she and mother survive the death door. I'm... really happy.


what is this? No matter how long I stare at it, nothing comes to my mind. Just what Lexus meant with these cupcakes.

"I'm not hungry nor in the mood for desserts," I said and walked away when he appeared in front of me, fast.

he held out the cupcakes to me and said, "give this to Cervi."

"huh? why me?" I get the food part, but why do I feel like there is a hidden agenda.

"because you are the first one I saw,"

"And we're the one's gonna give it to him he might throw it away!" Laxus added, "He wouldn't..."

"He hates us!" I sigh, Did they do something to Cervi that made them to avoid him? It looks like they won't take no as an answer so I grab it and turn away.

"Boaife where's Cervi?" Boaife appeared from behind as she flipped her hair and said, "I believe in the garden."

how odd, Boaife usually does not answer me quickly. She even looks outside

"..." I think I am missing something


"Oh look, there he is" she pointed at the fountain where Cervi is staring at the sky with some juice in hand.

How... painting like. This scenario is something I once had. This is sketchy. Just what they want me to play this time?! Cervi noticed my presence as he looked at me and waved his hand.

I looked at the food once more, there really is something in this food.

"what are you doing out here, master?"

wow, from young lady to master. This kind of feels weird.

"just Wren," I said and pushed the food to him, "cupcakes...?" he looked at me and to the cupcake.

"Young Miss, to give me a dessert with alcohol mixed in it, even though I'm a spirit, my human age is 10..."

"... say that again"

It seems my hearing is defected.

"this dessert has alcohol..."

"the other one," besides how could he know there's alcohol mixed in the food without tasting it?!?!

"I'm a spirit and..."

"after that,"

"my human age is 10,"

yep, I did not hear it wrong. How could this be?! I assumed that he is 17 or 18!

and to think that I find it like this... with alcohol. Laxus must be enjoying what I look like. Now that I think about it Boaife also is weird earlier. She may be in cahoots with the twins.

"Master as a wind spirit my nose is sensitive. I can smell the alcohol in it." he added with such an uninterested tone.

"Wren... even if he is a spirit you shouldn't give him alcohol especially if he is underage in the human realm."

what an actual fxxk. Why is my brother and Laxus? He even covers his mouth to suppress his laughter. I swear they must be loving how it turned out.