"And one more! Your child needs education and a decent life. You can tell Sean so that Qiara gets the best. I'm not underestimating your way of surviving as best you can, you're a competent and hardworking person. What's wrong if you can work properly for your daughter's future?" continued Alice.

Ken didn't answer Alice's words. Ken just turned around while saying one sentence of rejection, "Sorry, I don't need your offer right now. We are fine with our simple life! Thanks for your help looking after Qiara these past few days. I will repay your kindness one day!" said Ken and left.

'You stubborn bastard!" Alice muttered with a shaky breath, 'But never mind. It's none of my business anymore. I just have to be careful going forward. I have a bad feeling when I think of that demonic woman,' Alice continued to worry in her heart.

A soft hug from behind embraced Alice.

"He's gone. Is everything over?" asked Sean half-whispered against Alice's nape.

"Hey, please watch your attitude, Sean! We're at the hospital. Not in the room!" Alice scolded her husband.

Sean immediately smiled, "Oh, if I'm in the room, can I act as I want? Is it like that? Alright… Let's go home now!" said Sean casually as he let go of his embrace and took Alice's hand to lead him to walk.

"Ridiculous!" Alice grumbled with a smile and walked out of the room without any resistance.

They left the hospital. Leaving all Qiara's business to the hospital head.

"Sean, are we going home? Looks like the way to the mansion is not this way!" Alice asked.

"No, we're not going home yet. Why? You can't wait to reveal all that you won't hide from me?" Sean answered with another question with a mischievous smile.


Alice hit Sean's arm until his husband groaned in pain.

"Don't be naughty, Sean. I'm seriously asking! Even though your face is joking but I know, you have something on your mind right now!" Alice scolded him.

"Well, my Queen is indeed the greatest! I'm thinking about something right now," Sean replied, "My office assistant just called. They gave the news that there were businessmen from abroad who wanted to buy Brawijaya's assets which were frozen by the government. And the government agreed to sell these assets at a high price and the money would be used for the development of the country. But, I'm a little confused about the businessman, Alice," Sean began.

"What are you worried about? Wouldn't it be very good if there were generous entrepreneurs who bought such a lot of assets? And again, the money from the sale can be used to build state facilities and infrastructure? Which part went wrong, honey?" Alice asked in a calm tone.

"Who knows. I also do not know. I had an uneasy feeling when discussing the purchase agreement. And I'm the only one who hasn't given my consent there. That's why they kept calling when I was with you in America yesterday," Sean answered doubtfully.

"You suspect the businessman? Have you and Thunder investigated the businessman?" Alice asked.

"Hmm, we've investigated it separately. The results of our investigations did not show anything unusual. That person was indeed a businessman who was born here and grew up in another country. Nothing suspicious, but I still feel something odd," said Sean.

"Maybe it's just your feeling. Your mind is not completely thinking about work. At that time, you must have been worried because you were thinking about me, right? Don't worry, everything will be fine. I will always be with you, honey!" Alice cheered Sean on.

"Yeah, that's the most important thing. I need you, Alice! Everyone needs you here!" said Sean with a smile.


"Well, honey… We're back to our humble little home! Are you happy?" Ken asked Qiara after arriving in front of their small house.

Qiara looks gloomy. Her little face was full of worry.

Ken crouched down in front of his little daughter.

"Don't be afraid, honey. I won't hurt you again. I'm sorry, honey. She will not repeat her mistake. She also loves you very much, because you are a gift from God that has been sent to both of us. Smile, honey!" said Ken calming Qiara.

After Qiara nodded in agreement, Ken pushed her gently into their little hut.

The situation in the house is different from what Ken or Qiara imagined. One room that is divided into several sides looks uninhabited.

'Where's Helena? Why isn't she here?' Ken thought.

Ken rushed to walk quickly and look for Helena's figure. Inside and around the outside of his house, Ken doesn't find Helena anywhere.

'Oh my God, where has Helena disappeared to?' Ken said confusedly in his heart.

"Qiara, wait a moment. Your mother is not here, dear. I'll find mommy out there first, honey. Stay at home and don't go anywhere else, okay?" Ken said to Qiara who looked confused. But Qiara still nodded with her father's words.


Sean arrived in front of the government office, the place Sean used to go to attend important state meetings.

"Do you want to come inside or stay, honey?" Sean asked after stopping the car.

"I'll just wait here. I have to talk to Mark and Ben first. Come on in, and work quietly!" Alice replied with a smile.

"Okay! I'll go inside first! Come on, kiss me!" Sean said as he grabbed Alice's hips and brought their faces closer together.

Kisses! Kisses! Kisses!

"Already… Go! These three kisses are enough to put you at ease for work!" said Alice after a brief peck on Sean's lips.

"How can I be calm when something down here wakes up from its slumber?" replied naughty Sean.

"Geez, Sean. Please watch your attitude, Sean. Look where we are now? Be nice and save your misbehavior! Go on, honey… Everyone's waiting for you in there!" mumbled Alice who kept pushing Sean's body forward and into his office.

"Okay, I'll go half-heartedly. And after I come back, I'll take the half of my heart that's still left with you. Don't go anywhere, okay! Wait for me here!" Sean replied reminding Alice.

"Yes, I'll stay here. I promise!" Alice answered briefly, smiling at Sean's silliness.

Alice pressed her communication clock and was about to call Mark and Ben. However, it seems that her communication with her two subordinates is also not connected even though she has been waiting for a few minutes.

"Maybe they're really busy. Hmm, should I lay down here first? I don't know why I've been sleepy lately. Is it because I'm too tired to stay awake and keep crying over Lion?" Alice asked and answered herself while yawning several times from sleepiness.

These few days Alice's body looked lethargic and she was often sleepy. Either because she was tired of being on guard day and night by Lion's side, and also crying over his departure. Plus Sunny is sick because he longs for his daddy who left without coming back.

"Okay, I'd better rest here first. When I get home, I'll have Samuel check on me!" she muttered to herself.

Just as Alice closed her eyes, the ringing of her cell phone rang out and woke her up again.

'Shines? Why call?' Alice muttered to herself after seeing Shine's name as the summoner.

"Yeah, honey, what's wrong? Are you and Sunny all right?" said Alice and immediately asked how her children were, who had only been there a few hours.

"We're fine, Mom! Sunny's good too. Even though he hasn't talked much, at least Sunny isn't crying or daydreaming anymore. Sunny is smiling a lot," Shine replied.

"You are indeed a smart boy, Shine. I'm proud of you, honey. Please take care of your little brother for a while. I'm waiting for Daddy who still has business at the government office. Maybe tonight we just got home," Alice messaged Shine.

"Yes, Mom. Just carry on with your and Daddy's business until it's over. I'll take good care of Sunny. Oh, yeah! Maybe Grandpa and Grandma will come too soon. They were thrilled when I told them that Sunny was home!" Shine's story with passion.

"Okay, honey. If Grandma and Grandpa arrive later, say hello and I'm sorry for not visiting them first," said Alice again.

"Yes, I'll tell you later. Mommy, I'll hang up first, okay! Maybe Sunny is waiting for me now. We're playing a game, Mom! I love Mommy, see you tonight, Mom!" Shine said before saying goodbye to end the call.

"My children are smart!" said Alice, smiling happily.

The phone call ended but Alice's communication clock went off instead.

"What is it?" Alice answered after pressing the incoming call button.

"Boss, we just observed the man who brought his daughter from the hospital earlier. We paid close attention to the surroundings where the man lived. Just a few minutes after they entered their house, the man named Ken was seen coming out of his house in a hurry!" report Alice's men in full.